Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

They tricked you on the "sativa"...lol.

I just got a couple carts...One is supplosed to be a sativa...banana kush or some bullshit. It's probably all the same oil with different terpenes added for flavor. And they are some weird looking carts...The guy told me "ceramic, I think"....I'm thinking plastic. And it's not full!! 1640113912825.pngMust be the .75 gram size, lol.
Cloning is easy, a healthy donor plant & patience is key though.

My current level of patience.... they came from great doner plants tho.

Keep up your pool shock and maybe try trimming a few of the fan leaves.

I always use to trim them, but I saw a couple of people not so I stopped.

Once you get a system down it will work every time.

I always take from them plants that are 1-2 weeks from lights flipped to flower....as I lollipop.

I personally had terrible luck with making clones in soil or peat, but whatever works...Probably different climates come into play too...humidity's, not to mention some strains are harder to clone.

I had to change my pump out this time, and I have it epoxied to the bottom of my aero cloner, so thas was a day delay.

Fingers crossed for us both!!

How are you going to get the pump out if it's epoxied to the cloner?
They tricked you on the "sativa"...lol.

I just got a couple carts...One is supplosed to be a sativa...banana kush or some bullshit. It's probably all the same oil with different terpenes added for flavor. And they are some weird looking carts...The guy told me "ceramic, I think"....I'm thinking plastic. And it's not full!! View attachment 5051229Must be the .75 gram size, lol.
It’s probably ‘ceramic’, but I encourage you to smash it when it’s empty and find out!
They tricked you on the "sativa"...lol.

I just got a couple carts...One is supplosed to be a sativa...banana kush or some bullshit. It's probably all the same oil with different terpenes added for flavor. And they are some weird looking carts...The guy told me "ceramic, I think"....I'm thinking plastic. And it's not full!! View attachment 5051229Must be the .75 gram size, lol.
They’re all like that anymore. They say it goes up in the chamber.
Looks like it should work 2EF76056-5E7E-466D-A326-3561F93F7003.jpeg
How are you going to get the pump out if it's epoxied to the cloner?
It's a modified aero cloner :hump: I think I'm on my third pump.... I break it out and epoxy a new one in. I also only use 1 mister....but it's a really good one...I detest those crappy plastic ones that come stock and plug up constantly...especially with a timed cycle on and off every 4 minutes.

Now that I am running straight water I probably wouldn't have as many issues, but she's done been mod'd. I should break down and buy a new one probably.

My latest thing I am thinking of buying is a soil PH probe, since I make my l own soils. I have an Apera that I think you recommended that and works great I love, but it doesn't do soil.
It's a modified aero cloner :hump: I think I'm on my third pump.... I break it out and epoxy a new one in. I also only use 1 mister....but it's a really good one...I detest those crappy plastic ones that come stock and plug up constantly...especially with a timed cycle on and off every 4 minutes.

Now that I am running straight water I probably wouldn't have as many issues, but she's done been mod'd. I should break down and buy a new one probably.

My latest thing I am thinking of buying is a soil PH probe, since I make my l own soils. I have an Apera that I think you recommended that and works great I love, but it doesn't do soil.

I'd keep mine limping along as long as I could too. Those things are way overpriced IMO... I paid $227 CAD, dome was another $45! Crazy!

Had anyone ever mentioned the idea of pruning the leaf tips of your cuttings when you take them? And reducing the amount of larger ‘fan’ leaves and foliage on them to minimize their need for water while they try to produce roots?

I always trimmed my clone leaves for that very reason & had great success.

Do you mean taking a clone from a flowering plant? If so, then it will be harder (not impossible) and less successful than a vegging plant

It does take longer, but is possible.
My Double Bubble mom - she took about 6 weeks to get to the second picture but I took the cuttings during harvest at the last second.

Double bubble Mom (1).jpg
Double bubble Mom.jpg
Folgers plastic coffee can. 10gal aquarium heater, cheap aquarium air pump w/ no air stone, weighted down to bottom. Dont need direct light. Just no total darkness. Water temp 78 set it in a corner wait 5 days. Fresh razor blade over a scissor. 6-8 cloner, 40 bucks. Cut at angle where it bends, dont let stems sit in water. Trim leaves. Pardon me but i hear of people overpaying for cloners