Flowering White Widow


Active Member
My friend is growing in stealth closet grow with two 18gal rubbermaids and it for the most part right now is growing great. it is under a 150watt HPS and it has three intake fans and for the time being only a exhaust hole. The plant is planted in a 3 gallon tank. It is watered between 400-500ml per day and seems to love it. The medium is a nice soil with cow manuer. the plant is very green and simply loves the light. it is currently standing about 7" tall and it is day 25 from seed. i fed it some miricle grow once or twice and it didn't get any nute burn but i havent fed it again since. The light hangs 4" above the plant. Temp doesn't seem to be a problem its cooler in teh box than it is in my room. The genes are ssedsman Fem White Widow.


How much water should it be getting a day / how often should i water it?

Should i feed it nutes?

How far should i keep the light from the plant?

With the 150watt how many plants could i potentialy grow?

What could my maximum yeild be with aprox 24"-36" of height?

How big can i grow my plant in a 3 gallon Pot?

Should i top? when can i start topping? i am still considering SCROG.

At what height should i switch to 12/12 for maximum yeild within my own constraints?

I was planning on vegging for two months id assum it would be about 12"-16" by then and, with flowering i figured i would end up with a good 2 foot plant. My goal is to get .5 grams/watt giving me about 75 grams. is that reasonable. With time being no issue what is the cap of my system?

I know most thats quite a list of questions but anything can help. =D



Well-Known Member
I feed it nutes from almost day one till 2 weeks before harvest so ya you could use your nutes.....In flowering they use a little more water than normal so feed it just a tad bit more but keep a watchful eye on it! Well you said you have it 4" away and if its not burning it that taht should be ok. I dont know too much about 150 watt for ive only use 600 and 1000 watts.....You could grow you plant as long as you want as long as you give it veg. nutes and keep it in the veg cycle (18/6) not recomended but in theory you could. Toping is completely up to you (I do not top).......Depending on how tall your room is depends on how tall your plant can get ( take into conserations such as your grow equipment up above and what the plants are in down below so that cuts off a few feet + in the flowering stage the plant grow alot it is called the stretch and sometimes ive seen them grow 1' to 1.5' extra! so be careful)
Check out my grow journal I am growing some widow right now and you can see how I do it.
-hope this helps


Well-Known Member
No that's not bad to have it on 24 hour cycle but I like to do the 18/6 because I've always have had better results with it. Not too sure why It grows better but I do it lol. Well personally if I would just sell the 150 watt and just go invest in a 400 watt. But like i said I've never used 150 watt so mabye 2 will be good i duno thats just me.


Active Member
i herd somthing about having two doesn't add lumens it can just spread the same amount. i feel heat would becoem an issue with the 400 watt and im only growing the one plant atm.


Well-Known Member
The genes are ssedsman Fem White Widow.


How much water should it be getting a day / how often should i water it? Water when it looks dry, and it appears your plants are drooping a little. No more, most new growers over water.

Should i feed it nutes? Start feeding no sooner than 2.5 weeks from seeds popping outta the soil.

How far should i keep the light from the plant? Place your hand just at the top of your plant, Lower your lights till you can feel the heat from the lamps and re-raise them an inch.

With the 150watt how many plants could i potentialy grow? Conservatively, 2 plants, Mj still grows tall in flowering and really bushes out.

What could my maximum yeild be with aprox 24"-36" of height? If you take measures to keep the height short, I would hazard a guess of maybe a QP.

How big can i grow my plant in a 3 gallon Pot? All the way to maturity, if you do LST, SOG, or Fim.

Should i top? Personally I wouldn't too soon, after 3 or 4 nodes are showing. when can i start topping? i am still considering SCROG.

At what height should i switch to 12/12 for maximum yeild within my own constraints? When the plant is about 10-12" tall.

I was planning on vegging for two months id assum it would be about 12"-16" by then and, with flowering i figured i would end up with a good 2 foot plant. My goal is to get .5 grams/watt giving me about 75 grams. is that reasonable. With time being no issue what is the cap of my system? Will be pretty accurate on the amount, perhaps more. Your plants will probably exceed your 36" unless you SCROG or FIM.

I know most thats quite a list of questions but anything can help. =D



Well-Known Member
ya i would switch it.....The only time I use 24/0 is when I'm cloning and i only use it for maybe 2 or 3 weeks!


Active Member
Hi,witch is best for white widow, 24 or 36 hours of darkness before flowering ??? and in the end of flowering i need to put them on darkness too ???