
How do we pronounce it

  • Om-i-cron

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • O-micron

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Omnicrom, because that's what I heard them say it.

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
Lots of NFL players testing positive and they are moving games this weekend, there will be two Monday and two Tuesday games. The league claims 80% of the players were vaccinated at team facilities and 20% away so even if all the 20% are fake 80% is pretty good. Sounds like omicron breakthroughs but no confirmation yet and no word on severity.
Lots of NFL players testing positive and they are moving games this weekend, there will be two Monday and two Tuesday games. The league claims 80% of the players were vaccinated at team facilities and 20% away so even if all the 20% are fake 80% is pretty good. Sounds like omicron breakthroughs but no confirmation yet and no word on severity.

I saw on the news today that all the major sports have active cases and games are shutting down in all of them. I don't follow any sports so no skin off my keister.

i didn't think like Laundrie nor was i even following the case. i reported what happened.

He came to me in a dream.

My brain is different neurologically confirmed by physicians here in Colorado.

do you believe in E=mc squared?
I see a new career path for you. The great and wise all seeing schuylaar. Will do home visits, if triple vaxxed of course.…… but I’m sure you know I was going to post all this, right?
They do recognize it, the binding constant isn’t as high as to the protein for which it was originally designed.

My prediction is by June we will have an updated vaccine that also targets Omicron.

My bundled prediction is that by then the Pi variant will be scaring us. I’m ordering replacement cartridges for my respirator. I’ve gone full defensive like in March of last year.

Wanna have fun? Cuss someone out real solid while wearing a respirator. All they hear is the teacher from the old Peanuts specials on TV. (wa waah womp wah)
They think you’re badmouthing their behavior, appearance, possibly ancestry. (While you are, in bright blue!) But they cannot be sure. Bonus if you can sound exactly the same with the respirator off. Fux wit der heeds.

that's why i wear my mask; say anything i want in whisper or just moving my lips gives me same reward system; i swear i'll never give my mask up.

think about it how fun is it to say WTF you want and they don't know it? and with my sunglasses on?:lol:

i can't wait for the day when they have to put up signs that say 'no more masks'..think we'll ever get back? they were done in two years with the Spanish Flu..seems like we're in the second inning.
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They do recognize it, the binding constant isn’t as high as to the protein for which it was originally designed.

My prediction is by June we will have an updated vaccine that also targets Omicron.

My bundled prediction is that by then the Pi variant will be scaring us. I’m ordering replacement cartridges for my respirator. I’ve gone full defensive like in March of last year.

Wanna have fun? Cuss someone out real solid while wearing a respirator. All they hear is the teacher from the old Peanuts specials on TV. (wa waah womp wah)
They think you’re badmouthing their behavior, appearance, possibly ancestry. (While you are, in bright blue!) But they cannot be sure. Bonus if you can sound exactly the same with the respirator off. Fux wit der heeds.

why is the binding constant low? what's stopping it? the protein that it doesn't recognize in which it was originally designed for?
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640590B5-C28E-477B-AAAB-0328043E6FFF.pngSome pretty telling metrics happening here. Notably the unvaxxed 2.1 x higher case count, age groups, and cases per 100,000. We’ve become the epicentre for Canadian Omni spread and it’s not a happy picture although case counts have dropped in the last 2 days.
The pastor of a nearby church, his name is Mike Krahn. Several of his congregants have eliminated their carbon footprint in the last few months. Can't imagine that misinformation is a winning business strategy. I can hear it now, oh Mike Krahn, why hast thou forsaken us. :cuss:
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Read a depressing thought from a scientist that omicron severity was about what the original virus was. The virus has gotten more severe with each new variant until omicron came along. Which basically means we may be starting over because of the loss of protection from vaccines and prior infection because of the mutations.
The pastor of a nearby church, his name is Mike Krahn. Several of his congregants have eliminated their carbon footprint in the last few months. Can't imagine that misinformation is a winning business strategy, but the environment benefits. I can hear it now, oh Mike Krahn, why hast thou forsaken us. :cuss:
You aren’t far from me. I’m in Cambridge.
You aren’t far from me. I’m in Cambridge.

We're at the north Shore of Lake Erie, with the lake bank less than a 15 minute walk away, on 2.14 acres. Very agriculturally diverse region with 25% forestation. Some call it the banana belt. You're about an hour and twenty minutes away.
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I have never experienced that. I would be intrigued by any details you’re willing to post.
It's a long story, but here are the highlights. Mamma was born in the late 1920's, but she had older half brothers and sisters from my granddaddy's first marriage. One of those half sisters was Ruby. She was staying in town (7 miles from our farm) and got into a dispute with Sam M. She was chopping wood at the time and gave Sam a chop when he wouldn't leave her alone. He didn't die right away, but he did eventually die from his wound. Fast forward until Mamma and Daddy had saved up enough for a house. They bought the old Sam M place including an old house. They tore down the house and used the timbers building their house in 1960.

Right away there was a ghost in the house that everyone called Sam. What happened more than anything else is we would hear the front door open, but no one was really there. Or if you were in the bathroom the hall floor would creak like someone was walking down it. It was pretty common to hear him. My Cousin Ronda had moved in the house with her husband. One night she was painting while he was on the couch sleeping. She heard someone standing behind her and ask, "how does it look?" When he didn't answer she looked behind her and he wasn't there. She went into the living room and he was still sleeping on the couch. The next day she ask Mamma about it, and when she heard about Sam, she had all their shit packed up when her old man got off work, they spent that night in a hotel room then moved back to Georgia the next day.

Only a few times did we ever see anything. The house has been empty for 20 years. I still stop by there and say hey when I'm out walking, but it's been years since I heard from him.
Lots of NFL players testing positive and they are moving games this weekend, there will be two Monday and two Tuesday games. The league claims 80% of the players were vaccinated at team facilities and 20% away so even if all the 20% are fake 80% is pretty good. Sounds like omicron breakthroughs but no confirmation yet and no word on severity.
Florida State Basketball had to back out of today's game due to Covid-19. About a dozen more college hoops games impacted.