Pot size.

Some people think you need to transplant multiple times befor the final container. I'm not one of them. I sprout seed in small nursery pot and then straight to final container. There is no need to go from solo cup - 1 gallon - 2 gallon - 3 gallon - 5 gallon. You can go straight from solo cup / small nursery pot to final container. Or you can up-pot multiple times unnecessarily.
Some people think you need to transplant multiple times befor the final container. I'm not one of them. I sprout seed in small nursery pot and then straight to final container. There is no need to go from solo cup - 1 gallon - 2 gallon - 3 gallon - 5 gallon. You can go straight from solo cup / small nursery pot to final container. Or you can up-pot multiple times unnecessarily.
Agreed it’s a waste of time. I go from solo cup to final container.
Solo to final container for me. I’d make an argument that the less you disturb the root mass the better it is. Plant can focus on above ground growth verses repairing root mass and then growing normally
I'm under the impression that I should use a medium sized pot between the starter cup and the final pot. Is this nessaccerilly true.
By maximizing root growth to fill the cup, then a 1g, then to a final 5g, let’s say, you get the biggest, most established root system, and in general, bigger and denser root ball means bigger and denser plants. Putting a plant from a solo cup to a 5g pot directly also creates risk of over or under watering, root rot issues, etc. I have never, in 5 years of consistent growing, had root shock in moving to larger pots- just be careful and use Great White. Marijuana is a super hardy plant.
I do the same & no bs they love it. I’ve gone to the extreme & sliced an “X” into the roots at the bottom of the pot, pulled them apart and folding them up the sides of the pot before replanting. (Reason: to use all The soil space for as much root action as possible.)I’ve had no issues. I also add extreme gardening mykoz to both the new hole & dust the roots on the plant itself. I have done it twice, and didn’t notice growth skip a beat.
By maximizing root growth to fill the cup, then a 1g, then to a final 5g, let’s say, you get the biggest, most established root system, and in general, bigger and denser root ball means bigger and denser plants. Putting a plant from a solo cup to a 5g pot directly also creates risk of over or under watering, root rot issues, etc. I have never, in 5 years of consistent growing, had root shock in moving to larger pots- just be careful and use Great White. Marijuana is a super hardy plant.
Yeah I've gone for a 3 pot strategy as I thought it would be better than the farting about feeding a relatively empty pot for a while.
I agree w/others, not strickly necessary, but I do think it's better for noobs. A noob is less likely to overwater if they pot up an extra time. Solo cup to 1 gallon, wait till roots fill out, then on to 5 is much harder to overwater. Once they have proper watering techniques down, skip the extra up pot. I still go up to 1 gal first because I like to start them out vegging in a 2x2, otherwise I'd skip it too.
I go 2.5L to 17L. I used to start in a 1L and then a 2.5L. But I can't be arsed with the little pot, they are only in them for 3 weeks max. I am trying to minimise the work load of my grow.
I go from 2 paper plates with paper towel in between with soaked neptunes suggested germination mix (kelp) then straight to 5gal pot. Once these 2 banners poke out of the dirt today. that'll be the 10th ILGM seed/plant I've germed and grown in a row and I always see people saying their seeds don't even pop...from ilgm, I wonder if people are just slandering them...or If Im somehow the luckiest ilgm customer ever... but they gave me 20 BB auto seeds for 100$...Couldnt pass it up...... oh and the seeds were from 2 different packs too ....gg4/bb...I just put a small layer of Happy frog on the top 3-4" or so.. to keep the seeds happy... sometimes they don't like going right into Ocean forest....Eliminates transplanting the auto.. one less problem to worry about for me, I learned my lesson with watering small plants in big pots.
I also do solo cup to final container. That being said, if you are doing things right, there should be no transplant shock.
I've gone from a root riot to a 20 gallon pot of sunshine advanced mix.. It requires a lot more technique when watering. Keeping the pots reasonably sized results in more controlled and consistent results. That said, try and see what works for you.. Plant a small root system into a massive pot or strategically plant gradually into a larger pot.

Personally after 3+ years of growing in Mother Earth Coco+Perlite (70/30) I go from a root riot > 3x3" > 2 gallon > 10 gallon ~ always give at least 2 weeks between each transplant and most importantly give plant 2 weeks prior to flip/bloom to prevent stunting/excess stress on the plant.
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Not necessary but it does make watering easier, I’ve been doing solo to 1 to 3, considering moving up to 5 or 7 gal in the future because I stay having to water my plants.
I'm guessing that the real difference is going to be soil or coco. Yeah I have no real growth slowing down when I transplant I'm using coco.