
If you lick your paws Dr Gundry can save you, he has ads all over the internet
Maybe I'll just try this yummy looking baked artichoke heart recipe instead:
Italian man tries to dodge Covid jab using fake arm

An Italian man who wanted a Covid vaccination certificate without getting the jab turned up for his vaccine with a fake arm, officials say.

The man, in his 50s, arrived for his shot with a silicone mould covering his real arm, hoping it would go unnoticed.
But a nurse was not fooled and the man has now been reported to the police.

The nurse told local media that when she had rolled up his sleeve, she found the skin "rubbery and cold" and the pigment "too light".

After being discovered, the man tried to persuade the nurse to turn a blind eye, la Repubblica reported. But instead she reported him to the police for fraud.

California Orders New Universal Indoor Mask Mandate, Effective Wednesday, As Infection Rates Rise

In a surprise move Monday, California state officials announced that the state is instituting a universal indoor mask mandate, effective Wednesday, December 15. The current mandate will run through January 15, 2022.
“We will require universal masking in indoor settings statewide,” said state director of health and human services Dr. Mark Ghaly, noting that the order will cover the roughly 50% of California’s population not currently under such a mandate.
Alberta government has caved to the unvaccinated, while the rest of Canada is looking at placing more restrictions, Alberta just unrestricted indoor gathering and is also handing out free rapid tests for everyone.

So much for get vaxxed or proof of negative test "at your own expense." Meanwhile the restrictions exemption program is still in place for businesses....

Bunch of morons running this gong show, and looking fwd to lockdown in Jan when omicron overloads the ICU.
"Coronavirus deaths in the United States surpassed 800,000 on Wednesday, according to a New York Times database, as the pandemic neared the end of a second year and as known virus cases in this country rose above 50 million.

The new death toll — the highest known number of any country — comes a year after vaccines against the coronavirus began rolling out in the United States. It also comes at a tenuous moment in the pandemic: Cases are rising once again, hospitals in some parts of the country are stretched to their limits with Covid patients and the threat and uncertainties of a new variant loom.

More than 1,200 people in the United States are dying from Covid-19 each day." :(

California Orders New Universal Indoor Mask Mandate, Effective Wednesday, As Infection Rates Rise

In a surprise move Monday, California state officials announced that the state is instituting a universal indoor mask mandate, effective Wednesday, December 15. The current mandate will run through January 15, 2022.
“We will require universal masking in indoor settings statewide,” said state director of health and human services Dr. Mark Ghaly, noting that the order will cover the roughly 50% of California’s population not currently under such a mandate.
Ours went back into effect Monday.
