plz judge my soil mix im new but not a newbie

TBH i would’ve done like a 1/4 of everything you put in as in
2-3 tbl spoon of 444 all purpose fert
1.5-2 tbl spoon of kelp meal
1.5-2 tbl spoon of alfalfa
1.5-2 tbl spoon of meneralized phosphate
and 1.5-2 of 284
Thank your very much so if I understand correctly I buy some more soil let’s say 1 pot is 3 gallon i add another 3 gallon = 6 gallon of diluted nutrients ??
Okay bud here we go I would take the soil you have now in your pots dump it all into one large pile or container. I would add let’s say two or three pots to that mix of just soil or compost or pro mix. Then I wouldn’t add anymore nutes at all just the medium. mix it up really good with shovel, hands etc. then water it thoroughly and cover. letting it set for at the least thirty days, checking it to make sure it’s nice and spongy to the touch then after thirty days I dump it out mix it up and put it in my pots with some mulch on top to prevent fast evaporation
Okay bud here we go I would take the soil you have now in your pots dump it all into one large pile or container. I would add let’s say two or three pots to that mix of just soil or compost or pro mix. Then I wouldn’t add anymore nutes at all just the medium. mix it up really good with shovel, hands etc. then water it thoroughly and cover. letting it set for at the least thirty days, checking it to make sure it’s nice and spongy to the touch then after thirty days I dump it out mix it up and put it in my pots with some mulch on top to prevent fast evaporation
Thank you very much ❤️
check out this thread @Saib17

Edit* my bad that’s the autoflower verion. @Budzbuddha can you link him to the other FFOF thread you have?
yes but at the end it’s going to be worth it I guess what nuts do you use ??
I make my own with ferments from KNF, but until you get the hang of things I would recommend something like FOOP, it’s completely organic & ive been hearing good things, or nectar for the gods
From there website !!
Lol. You can't just take 5 products and add them all into the pot. Each product gives you directions as a stand alone
Just using the 4-4-4 alone would be enough. And for a small plant I wouldnt be giving it full strength