Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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you're not even fucking trying is the're all just saying fuck everyone matter what you say in defence, thats what it comes down to, all antivaxxers are cowards who could give a fuck less about anyone else in the world...fuck each and every one of them in the ear...
Who says I'm not trying? The jab is to protect yourself. It has nothing to do with others. That's been proven time and time again.
The jab doesn't help you avoid getting it. It only ostensibly prevents the clinical symptoms associated with covid 19.

It reduces the chance of getting the Delta variant, which is still the predominant strain, to about 10% compared to unvaccinated, reduces the ability to infect others by a buttload and reduces the odds of serious disease.

Masks aren't being worn to protect the wearer. They're worn by people who care about their fellow humans to reduce the chance of spreading disease to others in case they are infected but not feeling or showing any symptoms.

The great thing about this tho is the RetRumplican base is being fatally reduced 90% faster than the Dem base so by 2024 the Dems will own the House , Senate and the whole damn enchilada!

The same thing is happening up here north of the border. The Cons are losing voters a lot faster than the Libs so maybe the NDP will get another good kick at the can. Damn near had it with Layton but the bugger had to up and die on us. rip.gif Jack!

It reduces the chance of getting the Delta variant, which is still the predominant strain, to about 10% compared to unvaccinated, reduces the ability to infect others by a buttload and reduces the odds of serious disease.

Masks aren't being worn to protect the wearer. They're worn by people who care about their fellow humans to reduce the chance of spreading disease to others in case they are infected but not feeling or showing any symptoms.

The great thing about this tho is the RetRumplican base is being fatally reduced 90% faster than the Dem base so by 2024 the Dems will own the House , Senate and the whole damn enchilada!

The same thing is happening up here north of the border. The Cons are losing voters a lot faster than the Libs so maybe the NDP will get another good kick at the can. Damn near had it with Layton but the bugger had to up and die on us. View attachment 5045066 Jack!

View attachment 5045065
So you don't even live here, lol. Got it.
Assuming everybody is vaxxed, has a booster and wears their mask 24/7 ---
What about sanitizing your hands (and immediate surroundings)?

The dirtiest thing most of us handle is cash*.

Emergency Room Dr. friend pointed that out as I started earing a burrito at lunch (pre-covid incidentally).
Most of the Dr.s & Nurses at both of my local hospitals are unvaxxed and only wear masks on the floor, but sanitize their hands past the wrist constantly. - that might be a clue.

They handle C-19 constantly (9 cases today on my Wife's shift), but C-19 in the hospital staff is rare.

"Where does 95% of microbe transfer occur? Your hands." - Dr G

Do/say what you want about the vax, but please DO sanitize the parts of you that contact dirty things - like cash.

*you know the urban legend that all cash has traces of coke? It's not a rumor. That should be an indicator about how many germs our bodies intake & process daily.
Thanks for bringing this thread back on "track" such as it is! :bigjoint:

I don't mind heated words - even the disrespectful exchanges.
- I generally have a VERY open mind to considering opinions that are not mine and feel strongly that an honest, focused argument between intelligent people should sharpen all minds involved.
Lots of that on this thread - it's been great! :mrgreen:

Except where racism is concerned.
- I have NO place for that crap, and will do what must be done to expose people who espouse racist views for the human trash that they are.

So, Thanks for the argument! :joint:
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So you don't even live here, lol. Got it.
you don't think Canada has a vested interest in what we do as a nation, with a 5,500 mile common border? you think they aren't our closest neighbors and watch our media, know people in the us, have family in the us? only the opinions of Americans are valid about what's going on in America? i for one value the usually coherent, intelligent perspective they allow us...this is how a fairly friendly neighbor views us...imagine how we seem to the rest of the world...and imagine how that impacts world politics and trade
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