Examples of GOP Leadership

University of Florida researchers pressured to destroy COVID-19 data, told not to criticize DeSantis: report
Researchers at the University of Florida allegedly felt pressured to delete COVID-19 data while working on a study for an undisclosed state entity, according to a report released on Monday by the Faculty Senate committee.

The report stated that staff felt "external pressure to destroy" data and "barriers to accessing and analyzing" data in a timely manner.

The document added that staff said there were "barriers to publication of scientific research which inhibited the ability of faculty to contribute scientific findings during a world-wide pandemic."

Other challenges reported to the committee included "palpable reticence and even fear on the part of faculty to speak up on these issues." In addition, faculty "often engaged in self-censorship and chose not to 'rock the boat' for fear of retaliation," according to the report.

University of Florida employees were reportedly told "not to criticize the Governor of Florida [Republican Ron DeSantis] or UF policies related to COVID-19 in media interactions."

However, the Faculty Senate committee said that they "did not have the resources or the time to fully investigate these reports or their legal and policy implications. Faculty did express discontent about political interference with our mission, that academic freedom is under attack, and that we will likely lose faculty as a result."

The six-person panel was convened to investigate academic freedom issues after the university decided to bar three professors from testifying in a federal lawsuit against the state over a recently enacted elections bill.

A spokesperson from the University of Florida did not have any further comment on the report when reached for additional information by The Hill.

A spokesperson for DeSantis told The Hill that "The report referenced contains plenty of unsourced allegations and innuendo, but zero evidence that Governor DeSantis or anyone connected to the governor’s office has exerted or attempted to exert improper influence on UF. This is because it did not happen."

A fourth University of Florida professor alleged in November that the school rejected his request to testify against state leaders and provide his expertise on the impact of COVID-19 on children.

Jeffrey L. Goldhagen, a University of Florida professor and pediatrician, was asked to testify against DeSantis, the Florida commissioner of education, the Florida Department of Education and the Florida Board of Education for a case in which Florida parents and children sought to overturn the state’s ban on mask mandates in schools.

However, after he submitted conflict-of-interest disclosures to the university, his requests to testify were denied.

Faculty also expressed concern over funding being pulled if the university's activities didn't align with the DeSantis administration, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

"We knew there was more silencing and pressure coming from above. The Big Above. There was grave concern about retaliation and a sense that anyone who objected to the state of affairs might lose his or her job or be punished in some way," Danaya Wright, a constitutional law professor and former Faculty Senate chairperson, told The Tampa Bay Times on Tuesday.
Graham warns GOP about Trump's wrath on debt vote
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) offered a forceful warning to Republican colleagues during a private lunch on Wednesday, saying former President Trump will come down hard on any GOP senators who vote for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) deal to set up a special pathway to raise the debt limit.

In blunt remarks to the Senate Republican Conference, Graham harshly criticized McConnell for putting Senate Republicans in position to get “shot in the back” over the deal.

He said McConnell had backed away from his vow earlier this year to not give Democrats any help in raising the debt limit.

One GOP senator said Graham specifically warned colleagues “the president is going to be engaged on this issue.”

He told colleagues that McConnell had “led them on a charge up a hill and they were getting shot in the back,” according to the senator.

Other Republican senators who heard the remarks said it was unclear from Graham’s analogy whether McConnell was to blame for senators getting shot in the back but agreed that his comments were highly critical of the GOP leader’s handling of the debt limit standoff.

Graham on Wednesday declined to comment on the details of what he told fellow Republican senators at lunch, though he told The Hill that he disagrees with McConnell’s decision to cut a deal with Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) to create the special legislative pathway on the debt limit.

“I think this is a mistake, but we’ll see what happens,” he said. “We’ve been telling our Republican base for four months, ‘[Democrats] are spending money by themselves, they should raise the debt ceiling by themselves through reconciliation.’ ”

Graham said “a lot of people believe that changing the rules so they [Democrats] can do it without reconciliation is helping.”

“It’s pretty obvious to me that this will not be received well by the Republican faithful, including Donald Trump,” he added.

“Mitch McConnell just folded on the Debt Ceiling, a total victory for the Democrats — didn’t use it to kill the $5 Trillion Dollar (real number!) Build Back Worse Bill that will essentially change the fabric of our Country forever,” Trump said in a statement released through his political action committee.

“Somebody needs to get to Donald Trump and tell him to shut up about this,” said one nervous GOP lawmaker, who added that Graham’s warning about Trump is having a chilling effect.

“Graham was warning us about Trump was going to do and ‘May God have mercy on your souls,’ ” the GOP lawmaker said.
See what Donald can do for republicans while he's running loose? Donald is a divider and the longer he's around the more divided the republicans will be. He taught them one lesson though, if you don't get what you want, threaten to blow it all up and that's what they are trying to do.

Unless Donald gets what he wants, he will walk his base out of the party and into a new one. He won't worry about the complications of doing this either, he will just want to damage the GOP and take as much of their money as he can. If he ends up on trial in NY this spring or summer, he will demand the republicans do illegal and crazy stuff to spring him from prison (they can't, but Donald is dumb and desperate). Donald is the republican party, with close to 85% support, if he goes nuts while going down he will start blaming their politicians and will leave them divided and in disarray.

About all Donald has left is his control over the GOP, the big lie is his main money maker and he needs money. He will use them like toilet paper until he can`t any more, if he ran to Russia, he`d still be an important figure in the party. Shit he might run to Moscow and run for the GOP nomination from there and might even get it! :lol:

McConnell-McCarthy divide grows as Trump aims to keep his grip on GOP
It's amazing to me how many on the left are ok with pedophilia. Why are you ok with adults forcing themselves on children? It's wrong man. It's SUPER WRONG and not ok. But whatever, keep defending whomever you would like.

It's creepy how many right wing trolls go right to the topic of pedophilia when they post here. I'm not accusing anybody. Just saying it's creepy.

Another GOP Sex Criminal Goes Down As Josh Duggar Convicted On Child Pornography Charges

Former Christian conservative reality TV star Josh Duggar has been convicted of two counts of possession of child pornography. Before his current conviction, Duggar admitted to molesting underage girls. Yet Republicans still stood with Duggar and even claimed that his confession didn’t count.

Background information:


Until Thursday, Josh Duggar was a popular man in the Republican party.
From former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee to former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, nearly every 2016 presidential candidate courting the social conservative vote has been happy to pose for a photo with the high-profile member of the Duggar family from TLC's reality-TV series "19 Kids and Counting."

But that relationship is bound to change after news Thursday that the 27-year-old Duggar is stepping down from his leadership position of the conservative lobbying group Family Research Council amid a tabloid report he molested several underage girls over a decade ago.

The problem: There's no shortage of photos on Twitter and Facebook of Duggar posing cheek-to-cheek with some of the Republican Party's most prominent leaders.



Duggar is but one from a long list of convicted pedos among the GOP illuminati. I'm not accusing all of those GOP leaders of anything. Just saying how creepy it is to find so many "Duggars" in bed with GOP leaders. This ruling today is all the more interesting when one looks at posts like the one @piney420 made. I mean, look at how many GOP leaders this Duggar pedo was hobnobbing with.

I can understand it if they were just trying to cover up their leaders faults by accusing others of what they do. What I don't understand is their tolerance of having pedos in their leadership circles. This all becomes pretty heavy when we consider that young lives that are being destroyed. So I don't understand their tolerance of the situation.
14 GOP senators help advance McConnell debt limit deal
Fourteen Senate Republicans on Thursday helped advance a deal negotiated by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to set up a one-time exemption to the filibuster on raising the debt ceiling.

Senators voted 64-36 to close debate on the bill, which also prevents automatic cuts faced by physicians and other medical providers under Medicare from taking effect.

McConnell and GOP Sens. John Barrasso (Wyo.), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Richard Burr (N.C.), Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.), Susan Collins (Maine), John Cornyn (Texas), Joni Ernst (Iowa) Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Rob Portman (Ohio), Mitt Romney (Utah), Thom Tillis (N.C.), John Thune (S.D.) and Roger Wicker (Miss.) helped advance the bill.

The bill, which could pass the Senate as soon as Thursday, sets up a fast-track process for bypassing the 60-vote legislative filibuster on a bill to raise the debt ceiling, letting Democrats raise it on their own. The vote on the debt hike bill is expected to take place by Dec. 15, when Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned Congress will hit a cliff for keeping the government solvent.

Trump: McConnell 'Giving it Away' on Debt Ceiling
Former President Donald Trump ripped into Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Wednesday and accused the minority leader of "giving it away" when it came to negotiations with Democrats regarding the debt ceiling.

"Well, I got him elected because when I endorsed him and helped him with his commercials and the other stuff, I got this guy elected and I regret I didn't run somebody in the primary against him because he's been terrible," Trump said.

"Look, he's now giving it away with the debt ceiling. He could have used the debt ceiling to get rid of Build Back Worse and he could have used it. And he would've won. It's a powerful thing. He gave it away today for nothing. He got nothing from it.

"He gave them a two-month extension. What was that all about? And that gave them time to get their act together."

'Mitch McConnell just folded on the debt ceiling, a total victory for the Democrats — didn't use it to kill the $5 Trillion Dollar (real number!) Build Back Worse Bill that will essentially change the fabric of our country forever,'' Trump wrote in a Save America PAC statement.

I guess trump has no worries about losing money if the US defaults, given that the debt ceiling is not for future costs of government, but to pay for past government policies. The Trump tax breaks for one.
"No, she was, she didn't work for me. She was a lawyer that was representing General Flynn and some others, and she never officially, now she was on our side from the standpoint, I guess, you know, from the standpoint of what she was doing, but she didn't work for me as per se."

Which may not be a lie as far as Trump is concerned, "You have to pay someone to have them work for you, right? I never intended to pay any one of them."
Graham warns GOP about Trump's wrath on debt vote
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) offered a forceful warning to Republican colleagues during a private lunch on Wednesday, saying former President Trump will come down hard on any GOP senators who vote for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) deal to set up a special pathway to raise the debt limit.

In blunt remarks to the Senate Republican Conference, Graham harshly criticized McConnell for putting Senate Republicans in position to get “shot in the back” over the deal.

He said McConnell had backed away from his vow earlier this year to not give Democrats any help in raising the debt limit.

One GOP senator said Graham specifically warned colleagues “the president is going to be engaged on this issue.”

He told colleagues that McConnell had “led them on a charge up a hill and they were getting shot in the back,” according to the senator.

Other Republican senators who heard the remarks said it was unclear from Graham’s analogy whether McConnell was to blame for senators getting shot in the back but agreed that his comments were highly critical of the GOP leader’s handling of the debt limit standoff.

Graham on Wednesday declined to comment on the details of what he told fellow Republican senators at lunch, though he told The Hill that he disagrees with McConnell’s decision to cut a deal with Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) to create the special legislative pathway on the debt limit.

“I think this is a mistake, but we’ll see what happens,” he said. “We’ve been telling our Republican base for four months, ‘[Democrats] are spending money by themselves, they should raise the debt ceiling by themselves through reconciliation.’ ”

Graham said “a lot of people believe that changing the rules so they [Democrats] can do it without reconciliation is helping.”

“It’s pretty obvious to me that this will not be received well by the Republican faithful, including Donald Trump,” he added.

“Mitch McConnell just folded on the Debt Ceiling, a total victory for the Democrats — didn’t use it to kill the $5 Trillion Dollar (real number!) Build Back Worse Bill that will essentially change the fabric of our Country forever,” Trump said in a statement released through his political action committee.

“Somebody needs to get to Donald Trump and tell him to shut up about this,” said one nervous GOP lawmaker, who added that Graham’s warning about Trump is having a chilling effect.

“Graham was warning us about Trump was going to do and ‘May God have mercy on your souls,’ ” the GOP lawmaker said.

i still don't understand what Trump will do to them..you mean having the militia fatties show at your house with SA's?
no but in making his action movie commercial, when he drop on the car and punched through that was ala original Terminator..the first part with british voiceover sound like Kingsman.

why do our law makers make action movies instead of what their platform is..but when you have none?
Effective marketing to anyone who wears camo.
They are afraid of the base. For both their actual safety and their electoral safety.

maybe they're in the wrong job then..hasn't anyone ever head of hiring armed security? I'm sure they make enough to itemize and it's deductible.

grow a spine people.