Boriboi(I'm back! 150watt hps/soil grow/pic's)


Well-Known Member
yea but sexing is not 100% all plants are different not build the same so u cant be a sexing master u kno u just really by with what u know this plant looks female with male traits just like if a woman has orange hair and her husband has blonde their child has orange hair the mom was more dominate with that trait and over time triats change alot. so that why i stick to I will know when I see the forsure sex of my plants. but i believe they came from a stressed female plant because i know most growers grow from clones so most our weed we smoke has to be stressed out thats how they get seeds by hermie itself that y we see more females than males but im talkn bagseed and alot of people use them soooo..... we will see


Well-Known Member
my bag seed odds ... sucked ass
i had some good bag seeds ... and got pretty good luck ;)
all of my new 3 strains have just presexd a few days ago ... fem like i ordered :)
hope you bag seed experience is better than mine


Well-Known Member
STAGE. Transition
WEEK. total (3)

BLOOM.Day (5)
TEMP. 70ish
PPM 1,340

Pruned some more and still busy as hell. No signs of multiple balls just 2 on each side of every node. Made my own molasses nutes!! Yes u can use molasses in hydro unlike some people said all you really have to do is water it down It makes a killer nute at the end of budding




Well-Known Member
no pistils yet its only been about 4.5 - 5 days if its female it will show close to 2-3wks into flowering but on day ten i should see something


Well-Known Member
Yea bro i wish u luck for sure u have a nice setup there.... LOl i hope u get all females actually... let me know when ya find out..till then looking good bro!


Well-Known Member
iight man ...
the one you can clearly see female ... is white widow
and the other one is the durban i just fimmed ... and looks like its about to shoot some hairs out there .. :)



Well-Known Member
iight man ...
The one you can clearly see female ... Is white widow
and the other one is the durban i just fimmed ... And looks like its about to shoot some hairs out there .. :)

dude i think u were right these look like fuking males urggg im throwing everything out and starting over i have so many seeds... Im pissed i wasted so many nutes on these bitches urggg ill wait a couple more days or until my new seedlings sprout im throwing all my clones out to they are most likley male too im gonna keep one for pollen cause they are some good looking plants but yea im just so angry i will keep ya posted though new thread though most deff....thanks


Well-Known Member
Be patient and give it a few days. You never know what will happen. Males seem to always show first.