Recharge vs compost tea?

Grow So High

Well-Known Member
Been using compost teas for all my grows but this last grow I decided to try out recharge and it seemed to work pretty well. I’m wondering is there any benefit to alternating between tea and recharge or is recharge good enough to replace teas all together?
Been using compost teas for all my grows but this last grow I decided to try out recharge and it seemed to work pretty well. I’m wondering is there any benefit to alternating between tea and recharge or is recharge good enough to replace teas all together?
Recarge is really good but IMO, the microbe activity alone is going be much higher with a good compost tea.
Try it both ways and see how the plants respond?
Recharge is a good re-innoculant. But compost adds humuc acids and organic matter.
Teas are nice and esoteric extension of growers but a compost extract is usually more effective for soil and plants IMO. I used to be a tea brewing guy, but had an learnin' class that changed my mind on AACTs
I do believe there is still value to be had with Recharge as a product. Teas are a pain in the ass to make, and are often superfluous. If the compost is good, top dressing with it will provide similar results. However, for those with a limited supply of compost, AACT can make the compost "last longer", so to speak.

Anyway, Recharge lasts a long damn time. $30, but it takes forever to use it all up. $30 is overpriced, however compare this to the cost of brewing actual teas themselves, at it still provides consumers with value. In fact, last I purchased Recharge was 3-4 years ago, back when it came in jars and not bags. Still haven't used all of it.

Not to mention that dumping 1tsp of Recharge into a gallon of water is so much easier than teas. That alone gives Recharge my vote.

As others have pointed out though, Recharge is simply for re-inoculating. For proper no-till grows, Recharge will likely be superfluous. No need to re-inoculate if the soil is already filled with microbes.

For recycling old soil that's been sitting around, and possibly neglected, or for those still trying to achieve a balanced soil, Recharge is a great product.
Well, recharge is pretty easy to use. gotta give a point on that. But its pretty expensive, especiallly if you have to import (like me). So I will agree with TrunkMonkey on make some IMO2. Dilute about a teaspoon per gallon and thats it! If you can collect 2 IMO from diferent spots even better. One works pretty good for me.