
Black Water Mist is something that gets in the air and turns good people who into evil beasts... It's a DBZ thing,but it's still real because all it takes is one wrong statement (at least what someone else thinks is wrong) and its like blood in the water or a wounded animal on the plains... All I'm asking for is for someone to pull me up out of the water,or pick me up off the ground before I get ate up!!! All of this back and forth shit is for tennis players... I'm looking for a Bill Belichick or a Nick Saban,someone who can give me the plays so I can execute properly!!!

I mentioned before that it just looks like a little overfeeding to me causing the burn on your leaves as I've had that many times before. Our humidity is low most of the time and that causes the plants to suck up more water and extra nutes with it. The plants store the extra nutes/salts in their leaves tehn about half way thru flower the leaves start burning just like yours. By the time that starts there's nothing you can do but stop feeding or just feed what they need near the end of flower which is some K, Epsom Salts and maybe some carbs. Most people don't have just K tho I made a point of getting some just so I can use that alone the last couple weeks to fatten up the buds. The S and Mg in the Epsom is also needed more in the final weeks.

I used the MC v. 2 single mix stuff and just fed 1/2g/L and never checked the EC. I did test the pH when I first got it and it came out at 6.0 when mixed at 1g/L in good RO water so never bothered checking pH again. The CalNit balls in it absorbed water like crazy and turned the 2kg bag into mush so I stopped using it. Those Zip Zap bags aren't very airtight I guess.

Nothing wrong with coffee cans for growing. I use plastic tobacco cans myself and also use them for burping my pot. Nice smooth sides so the soil or big clump of buds just slide right out for repotting or getting the clump of buds out for breaking up and air drying. The big cans are only 2L in capacity so just used for early stages of growing then it's black plastic pots up to 7gal in size.

Just an outside observation here @Frank Nitty you grow some monsters that early on just grow like crazy...but I've seen you state numerous times you don't measure what you feed, you just go with what feels right and mix it up however...maybe it's time to pay attention to the details and buy some measuring spoons or something. I'd suggest taking a little more pride in your grows and not just flying by the seat of your pants. Just tighten it up a bit, man.:peace:bongsmilie
I totally agree!!! That's my greatest frustration, I NEVER FINISH LIKE I START!!! That shit burns me up!!! My pride in always doing things my way is a serious problem!!! @Dank Bongula my intentions are to tighten my shit up after these plants are done... I just want to try and turn these plants around and actually be satisfied with the end results because most times I'm not... And I have all of those things:ph meter,syringes to measure liquids, bigger pots,etc. But most times I'm my own worst enemy!!!Thanks for the input, this is what I'm talking about, a good coach!!! But you ALL ARE GOOD COACHES, MAYBE I'M JUST UNCOACHABLE??? We'll cee soon enough, because I've got plants coming up, all in 2 and 3 gallon pots of Mother Earth and FFOF,worm castings... I have a 10 pound bag of Nature's Living Soil and 2 more bags of Mother Earth to start building my own soil, and take the nutes right out of the game... I'm tired of feeling like a failure!!! Okay then, that's enough therapy for me right now... Thanks again for the reel in @Dank Bongula !!!
I'm about the laziest fucking grower you will find....I'm still learning patience myself. A couple stints in the clink, and maturity has helped but growing these plants slowly in soil has helped as well. You can't rush them, so you might as well just enjoy the process and trust in the result.
I'm done... I'm not as experienced as you all,that is obvious... It should be obvious to you all that I have no idea what you all are talking about when you throw Ec,ppms,all that technical talk,I spent my time running the streets selling crack... I went to prison... You can't learn about growing weed in prison, they wont let you get those kinds of things in there... So when I came home I jumped right in with both feet, following everything that I saw without understanding what I was doing... Still don't... But I am not going to be the object of ridicule for anyone... I'm trying to show respectability here but its obvious that I won't get the same thing back... I don't even pray, but I will pray for all of you,that you will treat people with the same respect that you want to be treated with... AMEN...
Frank. How can you have 10,000 messages and not know what ph and EC refer to.

It was not evident to me you didn’t know…. Maybe read some of the basic sticky threads or just ask. “ hey guys. Wtf is EC”. “And what should mine be?”

Your in too deep now. I can be your yoda, with soil at least.

Sorry about earlier when I joke about your sports references. Truth is I don’t know anything about those guys, I assume their coaches. Now Star Wars, let’s nerd it up.
I'm done... I'm not as experienced as you all,that is obvious... It should be obvious to you all that I have no idea what you all are talking about when you throw Ec,ppms,all that technical talk,I spent my time running the streets selling crack... I went to prison... You can't learn about growing weed in prison, they wont let you get those kinds of things in there... So when I came home I jumped right in with both feet, following everything that I saw without understanding what I was doing... Still don't... But I am not going to be the object of ridicule for anyone... I'm trying to show respectability here but its obvious that I won't get the same thing back... I don't even pray, but I will pray for all of you,that you will treat people with the same respect that you want to be treated with... AMEN...
You either are playing dumb or are lazy, or a mix of both. It would take a total of 5 minutes of reading to learn what EC/ppm is, if you truly wanted to improve you grow.

You could have answered my initial questions and I could have explained it to you, but you decided to be prideful and act like you don't even read my messages.

You can play the victim well. Lose the pride, gain some work ethic and you'll find you can grow a healthy plant to harvest.
Maybe invest in a $15 EC meter.

Can't coach lazy. You got the own worst enemy part down right.
I'm not lazy!!! I'm running between 4 or 5 tents!!! What I am probably is overwhelmed!!! If I was lazy,my plants would be far worse than they are!!! If I was lazy, I would just let these bitches go and do whatever!!!