please help me Im having problems in week 6 of flower G.S.C. DWC small grow tent


Active Member
I am new to this fyi. sooo
Im getting nute burn and the stems on the leafs are bright green and some are starting to bend up wards. im using cutting edge sollutions, 3 x 5 tent, 5 gallon DWC, 1.5 gallons of RO water, mars hydro ts1000 @ 15 inches above the plant,
"Bullet proof si" 2.5ml
"Micro" 5 ml
"Bloom" 10ml
"Uncle Johns Blend" 6ml
"Cal mag amped" 7ml
"Sugaree" 6ml
I adj my ph to 5.7 evry 6 to 12 hrs
my temps are low 70's with the lights on
low to mid 60's with the lights off.


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Light height should be between 18 and 24 for the TS 1000 during flower. Could be slight nute burn on the tips. I’ve read that if the temp dips to low you will get those beautiful purples. I’m thinking your temp may not be the issue. Someone with more knowledge will chime in. Nice plants tho.


Well-Known Member
I am new to this fyi. sooo
Im getting nute burn and the stems on the leafs are bright green and some are starting to bend up wards. im using cutting edge sollutions, 3 x 5 tent, 5 gallon DWC, 1.5 gallons of RO water, mars hydro ts1000 @ 15 inches above the plant,
"Bullet proof si" 2.5ml
"Micro" 5 ml
"Bloom" 10ml
"Uncle Johns Blend" 6ml
"Cal mag amped" 7ml
"Sugaree" 6ml
I adj my ph to 5.7 evry 6 to 12 hrs
my temps are low 70's with the lights on
low to mid 60's with the lights off.
Are you measuring your EC at all?


Active Member
ok so ill stop those 2 and i have a ec measuring thing and use 1/3 less cal mag? i also raised the light i could only get it to 17 inches