Ballast quick dry

Hey, Ive found I can dry my HIGH POTENCY mature weed on top of the ballast for a few hours depends on moisture and what not, but it does not hurt potency at all, or much if at all, cuasue I know killer weed and it comes out killer if you dont under dry or over dry. Does anyone have any ideas on ways to improve upon this ballast methode, any advice from pros would be appriciated
you dry it in a few hours?? sounds like the ballast is cooking it dry. i think i know what advice the pros might give you. but hey, if its dry and it doesnt smell or taste like shit, more power to ya!:clap:
of corse they did on a taste test, its not about taste, though it dont taste like shit or foiul, potnecy is NOT RUINED<thats my cponcern, no one has cpmplaned once about the potency . heavy duty smokers like myself still get high,really high from the ballast dry, though 95 % will be done the traditional way.
lol ya i dont like the ballast idea, but i do quickdry my bud by hanging it above the grow light in the grow room, i do this when i am drying the rest normally, this way the bud stays somewhat dark with some moisture from the stem and is done by end of day so i can test what my bud will be like next week lol-only the bud dried in a week is always smoother and imo more enjoyable than the quick dried-but ya same strength, just no hacking...
Drying my bud on yop of the ballast is always a good test for potency, however it is no way as good as a nutural cut and cure.
It's not the best way to do it but desperate times call for desperate measures. A friend recently finished his grow and couldn't wait for the rest to dry so he put a nugget in the oven to dry and said it was all good. I'd probably try it on a small nugg but not my whole harvest...
You want to try to stay away from heat, if you want to quick dry it use a box fan and 2 celluose furnace filters. Sandwich the bud between the fitlers and bungee the filters to the fan. Turn on the fan... Viola.