What's the most weed you ever wasted?


Active Member
For me, it's 2 grams. One time, after I rolled a joint, I took about 3 hits, and then the filter came off and the joint fell apart. My 2 grams fell on the ground :evil:. I was a bad roller back then.

So, what's the most weed you ever wasted (amount), and the most money you ever lost?


Well-Known Member
ive never outwrite wasted weed. Ive known people who have smoked then hid their stas and never found it again tho.


Active Member
For me, that was the only time. When I was younger (high school) I would eat my weed when an authority figure would almost catch me. To me, that's not a waste of weed. Of course, I would rather bongsmilie than eat it, but it was still awesome.


Well-Known Member
about three grams. I dropped a sweet bud in the car once and have yet to be able to find it. It's somewhere under the seat....and trust me....I've looked. The car ate it.


Well-Known Member
had a dog eat almost a quater pound of brick weed and my brother lost an ounce of good the other day in my room


Well-Known Member
I don't know how much it was but i've spilled bowls of weed multiple times either knocking over the bong or w\e i was breaking up on..:hump:

That's only happened about 4 times i think.:shock:


Well-Known Member
Maybe about .3 or .4 grams. Luckily thats all it was but I had to toss it cause of the popo. :( Damn pigs.


Well-Known Member
A long time ago I bought an ounce of pretty good shit and my dealer had some acid for sale. It was a Saturday so we said 'What the Hell?' My then-wife and I dropped the acid and I forgot to hide the bag beforehand.

The next morning there was a huge dent in our ounce and we did not remember smoking any of it.


Active Member
Wow, how much do you guys buy at once??? Back in the day, I thought that 2 grams was a lot. I usually buy a quarter of an once now.


Well-Known Member
Wow, how much do you guys buy at once??? Back in the day, I thought that 2 grams was a lot. I usually buy a quarter of an once now.
When i do buy i buy it's gotta be good shit, i buy about a quarter also.:weed:
And that will last me about a week..


Well-Known Member
I leave weed at friends houses all the time, not that big of a deal. I would not call that wasting though. I knocked the cherry off of a fat J a couple of times that sucks because a bunch of weed falls out with it.


Well-Known Member
i rode along with my sister to see my family in another state so i brought some weed with me. i didnt smoke it all and i had to fly back home. so before my flight i was too paranoid to bring it with me so i flushed about an eighth of some decent shit.


Active Member
No.... I stopped buying and started growing.
ROFL, my bad. I guess that's a good solution when you're broke. I guess when I'm not busy smoking one day, I will actually take some time to read the growing tutorials, and then buy the necessary equipment and grow it myself.

And mastakoosh, that was a smart move on your part. If you had not done what you did, then you would probably have been in prison right now.