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Yeah, what is this current belief that lots of people you don't know just MUST be lying. Doctors and nurses with no previous public exposure are just naturally telling lies because....why?

Do you typically lie about your job to others just because?
If they exist.
The Q folks creep me out, I think they are a bunch of pedophiles due that projection issue. It's strong within their ranks.
Never know. Might be that a whole lot of them grew up 'religious' and got screwed with by the people who were supposed to be looking out for them.

We have no shortage of abused people who have never learned to deal with their shit in our nation.
If they exist.

Yep, no one has actually died of covid, after they check into the hospital they are taken in meat packing trucks to those fema camps that are guarded by black helicopters constantly hovering over the Utah badlands. These 900,000 are held in comunicado along with jfk, Bobby Disney and mlk. When the time comes they will all be released in order to illegally vote for donald trump. Why do you think there are supply chain problems Humm? All those shipments are being diverted to the camps.
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Yep, no one has actually died of covid, after they check into the hospital they are taken in meat packing trucks to those fema camps that are guarded by black helicopters constantly hovering over the Utah badlands. These 900,000 are held in comunicado along with jfk, Bobby and mlk. When the time comes they will all be released in order to illegally vote for donald trump. Why do you think there are supply chain problems Humm? All those shipments are being diverted to the camps.
I read that as him pretending like there are not a multitude of nurses and doctors on video telling reporters of the patients telling them that they wish they could get the vaccine as they were dying.
I read that as him pretending like there are not a multitude of nurses and doctors on video telling reporters of the patients telling them that they wish they could get the vaccine as they were dying.

I have this problem, I usually take professionals who have no collective ax to grind at their words. I always figure that people who have no personal motive to lie probably don't.

And I figured lying about my job was never good for my career
Yep, no one has actually died of covid, after they check into the hospital they are taken in meat packing trucks to those fema camps that are guarded by black helicopters constantly hovering over the Utah badlands. These 900,000 are held in comunicado along with jfk, Bobby and mlk. When the time comes they will all be released in order to illegally vote for donald trump. Why do you think there are supply chain problems Humm? All those shipments are being diverted to the camps.
I see a screen play in your future!
Yep, no one has actually died of covid, after they check into the hospital they are taken in meat packing trucks to those fema camps that are guarded by black helicopters constantly hovering over the Utah badlands. These 900,000 are held in comunicado along with jfk, Bobby and mlk. When the time comes they will all be released in order to illegally vote for donald trump. Why do you think there are supply chain problems Humm? All those shipments are being diverted to the camps.
Whoa hey man Not Cool.

Black helicopters matter.
I’m far enough left to believe that higher education should be

-brutally competitive.

Of course it should be free.

The period after the gi bill took effect is ample proof that a free higher education increases national solvency far beyond and immediate expense. Those freely educated folk brought us incredible benefits including the ability to pay for THEIR children's education.

And that "but those gis paid for their education in blood and tears."

Nope, the bill was a bonus, a gift from a great full nation, there was no bargain beforehand.
Higher education for free brings us blue sky research as well.
Haha you should talk to someone in medical billing. Its another grift of the covid theater. They were directed to do this by the government. Its not manipulating results by any means. Cause you dont have to test or have a positive diagnosis of coof to code and bill for covid19. But this set of codes, not data, is used by media to further the fear pandemic.

And you should talk to someone in life insurance actuarials.

Life insurance and related insurance enterprises depend on a real assessment of the number of people who SHOULD die in any given month. They know with a high degree of predictability at what age and from what cause people die. If there is a divergence they call it excess deaths.

Billions ride on the accuracy of these figures.

It doesn't matter what nurses, doctors or hospitals say the causes are If this divergence exists.

These Statisticians are not capable of attributing the cause of these excess deaths but we can be fairly certain that it wasn't just a whole lot of suicides by drowning.

Falsifying death certificates is a crime. Why would legions of doctors, coroners, administrators and family members all of a sudden decide to lie about the causes of death of hundreds of thousands of people? Are they all offered some sort of bounty? And are they all willing to risk their careers for that bounty?
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it's a horrible decision from a national security stand point. there is no higher ground...
How so? Espionage? NASA still had their top secret robo shuttle, they are letting private companies be the mules to space. I got no problem with that. Better than hitching a ride on a Russian rocket. Besides, wasn’t there just another case of a service man selling nuke secrets to the Chinese?
I’m not so sure about it being one party. Historically what do we have? A little over 50% of the people actual vote? Every Republican I know is vaccinated. I would agree that a higher percentage of republicans are not vaccinated compared to democrats, but there are plenty of stupid people everywhere.

Indeed, but your post tends to imply that there are more stupid Republicans than democrats.
Yep, no one has actually died of covid, after they check into the hospital they are taken in meat packing trucks to those fema camps that are guarded by black helicopters constantly hovering over the Utah badlands. These 900,000 are held in comunicado along with jfk, Bobby and mlk. When the time comes they will all be released in order to illegally vote for donald trump. Why do you think there are supply chain problems Humm? All those shipments are being diverted to the camps.
Lol, no of the doctors exist and actually said those things. But yeah, I believe you can find a doc to lie for ya, big tobacco kind of proved that. But you carry on with your stupid skins or shirts games. Got please tell me you’re a 20 something who doesn’t remember things like Iran contra.
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