Think I have mold in stored buds [pics from microscope]

I had stored them in a jar after drying for a week and have been smoking since last 4 weeks..
Today I noticed some whiteish buds on the side of the jar and they smell also a little funky.
Looks like I've got mold. Please can anyone confirm from the pics if thats mold and if so, what to do with the stuff..

I did smoke a little bit and I seem to be ok.. had some weird after taste though
Mucor mucedo, nasty bugger, gets into the duct work too.
Similar to the process used for tobacco but not controlled. More like it was just how they did it. Resulting in the brown weed we all remember so well and miss dearly. :mrgreen:
I miss it too so I took up making Malawi Cobs. It's scary but they harvest and dry for only 2 days before they wrap them in corn husks and sweat them. Makes for a very narcotic weed.
Well done for ruining your bud, you obviously didn't open the jar every other day to let some fresh air in.
In future add a peace of paper towel to the top of the jar and put on the lid, the slight gap created by the paper towel will allow JUST enough fresh air in that they will still cure fine and have no risk of mold.
Don't be so harsh in newbie central. He could have opened them every day and still had mold develop.

So much depends on experience. Snap test is a way to let you gauge your buds. Unless you've been down that road often enough, it's easy to mess up. Some strains retain a lot of water even with the snap. Especially if you have big dense buds. Sure, the small ones may be ready to jar and burp once a day, but the big ones may need to be dried a little more and even burped twice a day for a week or more before you drop to once a day.