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Personally I usually stop at stop-signs, unless clearly no one else is around. I usually drive around 5-10 above the speed limit too, as most people do. I think we've all learned by not that "traffic laws" are selectively enforceable, and often overly-cautions, so we cut corners and nuance them in our own ways. That's the problem with laws and bureaucracies, is that they are difficult to nuance, so hard lines get drawn often in the wrong places.
do you share this unlawful conduct with your insurance company?.....or can we add insurance fraud to your admitted list of crimes?
Indeed, mental health disease are covered by the ADA.
If you have the right mental health disease, you can bring your pet horse into an Opera a concert hall, but the venue management can't ask you the reason that you need the animal. You can basically ask two questions: 1: is this a service animal for a required need? 2. What tasks is the animal trained to perform. If you ask anything else you are risking violating their ADA rights. I've asked concert attendees with dogs (which didn't appear to be service animals) these questions before, and some owners know how to answer, and others get a deer caught in the headlight look.
do you share this unlawful conduct with your insurance company?.....or can we add insurance fraud to your admitted list of crimes?
Are you a hall monitor now too JJ? I swear sometimes in the politics section here, it's amazing to me that we're also on a weed board.
Since you took the bait:
Actually, in civilized society, it applies to all.
In uncivilized society it only applies to some.
Yes, there may be unseen children nearby expecting vehicles to stop.
National statistics reveal that 1/3rd of all intersection crashes in the United States occur at stop sign-controlled intersections. It causes around 700,000 crashes annually. More than 40-percent of fatal crashes that take place every year are caused at stop sign-controlled intersections.
Yes, there may be unseen children nearby expecting vehicles to stop.
So last week when I left work at 11pm, and I did a rolling stop out of the parking lot, you're thinking that some kids were waiting to run in front of me eh?
So last week when I left work at 11pm, and I did a rolling stop out of the parking lot, you're thinking that some kids were waiting to run in front of me eh?
Don’t know, wasn’t there. Regardless, not stopping is selfish. How much time did you save by rolling?
I do. I also drive the speed limit and don’t park in handicap spots.
I think you're lying about the speed limit thing, but kudos to you for ADA spots. Now what about electric vehicle charging stations, do you park there and not charge?
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