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The property rights of the store owner get respected when they don't participate in cancelling others rights, meaning other stores, other people etc.

That store became a governmentality (a new word meaning a pseudo government entity) when they embraced "don't tread on me, go tread on my competition" . Not to mention that store acts as a tax collector for their masters dont' they ?

Also, the policy the idiot clerk was erroneously claiming was a "law" was actually a Governor's Executive order, under which I had a medical exemption etc. Not that I think I need one or believe an executive order is something I am obligated to obey. So, in other words, the store clerk, an impolite imbecile, didn't even know the "rule" she ws trying to apply to me within her own stupid belief system, that's why.
Oh, didn’t know you had a self entitled right to trespass. Carry on then.
Pretty fucking fast I would say. Your implying this is good or bad?
Just talking about their character. End of day, it doesn't matter. We're all worried about America when there is the whole of the 3rd world where it is going to mutate. I think for the next decade we're going to have contantely changing vaccines, What a pain in the ass. But it will be a great idiot filter.
Just talking about their character. End of day, it doesn't matter. We're all worried about America when there is the whole of the 3rd world where it is going to mutate. I think for the next decade we're going to have contantely changing vaccines, What a pain in the ass. But it will be a great idiot filter.
So true, sadly. I do think the focus now should be ensuring the supply reaches the most vulnerable to try and limit the mutations if that’s possible. Also sorry but I was confused re I honestly doubt anything will change the minds that have already chosen not to take it, again sadly. And yes I believe the effects of this virus will far outlive me :(.
The property rights of the store owner get respected when they don't participate in cancelling others rights, meaning other stores, other people etc.

That store became a governmentality (a new word meaning a pseudo government entity) when they embraced "don't tread on me, go tread on my competition" . Not to mention that store acts as a tax collector for their masters dont' they ?

Also, the policy the idiot clerk was erroneously claiming was a "law" was actually a Governor's Executive order, under which I had a medical exemption etc. Not that I think I need one or believe an executive order is something I am obligated to obey. So, in other words, the store clerk, an impolite imbecile, didn't even know the "rule" she ws trying to apply to me within her own stupid belief system, that's why.

This all made me smile.

Shouldn't the rights of the property owner (dude that owns the store) supercede your individual rights. That business is their castle if you will, the employees become their agents and have a duty to protect the interests of the dude paying them. Tax collector or no, you have no obligation to use their services and aren't being coerced. Executive orders and exemptions aside (legal laws that don't apply to a free man walking free upon the land), you are basically entering someone else's property/domicile and trying to dictate the terms.

Some folks insist you take your shoes off when you come over. It's their right to be as hardline on that as they want. You don't have the right to just go in and flout the house rules and then demand to stay. Yelling at their 5 year old that told you the rule doesn't give you that right.
This all made me smile.

Shouldn't the rights of the property owner (dude that owns the store) supercede your individual rights. That business is their castle if you will, the employees become their agents and have a duty to protect the interests of the dude paying them. Tax collector or no, you have no obligation to use their services and aren't being coerced. Executive orders and exemptions aside (legal laws that don't apply to a free man walking free upon the land), you are basically entering someone else's property/domicile and trying to dictate the terms.

Some folks insist you take your shoes off when you come over. It's their right to be as hardline on that as they want. You don't have the right to just go in and flout the house rules and then demand to stay. Yelling at their 5 year old that told you the rule doesn't give you that right.
And ironically “no coloured people allowed” signs are acceptable in his mind. As is a child consenting to have sex with an adult fair game in his utopian world of contradiction.
On a philosophical level, I am big on the personal liberty idea. You should be able to be a racist and put up your sign in your crappy diner. I am free to say that's bullshit and I don't want racist meatloaf so will go down the street. Free markets and free will, yadda yadda.

It just doesn't work at all or hold up in the real world, so I have to say it's bullshit on the philosophical level. You can't have this total free will and also have any sort of society as it will inevitably lead to some group being discriminated against/mistreated. Ejaculating your freedom all over the place results in somebody accidentally getting cum in their eye, against their free will.
On a philosophical level, I am big on the personal liberty idea. You should be able to be a racist and put up your sign in your crappy diner. I am free to say that's bullshit and I don't want racist meatloaf so will go down the street. Free markets and free will, yadda yadda.

It just doesn't work at all or hold up in the real world, so I have to say it's bullshit on the philosophical level. You can't have this total free will and also have any sort of society as it will inevitably lead to some group being discriminated against/mistreated. Ejaculating your freedom all over the place results in somebody accidentally getting cum in their eye, against their free will.

Right wing assholes think their asshole is better than everybody else's and they can't stop telling everybody about it.
Oh, didn’t know you had a self entitled right to trespass. Carry on then.

He got bitched at by a 7-11 store clerk during the lockdown days of the pandemic while he was getting milk. "For the last time", she said because he kept getting into other peoples faces and stepping on toes. He blew the whole thing out of proportion. It was funny and a perfect example of what he is really talking about. Getting bitched at for not following the store's social distancing rules is made her a "Nazi" to him. From there, he went on to rant about Black ops and government goons taking away his rights. All because he was clumsily menacing everybody in the store and was told to knock it off.

Yes, I am incessantly saying shopkeepers should determine the rules in their own business. I stand by that. Although the truth is the foul Nazi wannabe clerk was attempting to enforce state imposed rules on a private business, but anyhow...

Here's what happened. Grabbed a gallon of milk from a back cooler and went to get in line. Foul clerk was ringing somebody up, several other people waiting their turn, in a hard to distinguish bi-directional line.

Before I even got to the "magical stand the fuck here spot" on the floor, foul clerk screeched at me, "you're going to have to stand on that spot, I'm not going to ASK you again!!! . Foul clerk was in error. First, she did not ASK me at all, hence she could not ask me again. She "told" me, which isn't the same as asking. Had she been more polite and more accurate, I would not have taken my business elsewhere.

I'm not sure if I left taint residue on the milk jug or not, but it is possible given my active sex life.

I can only imagine her aggravation. And yet, "you're going to have to stand on that spot, I'm not going to ASK you again!!!" gets blown into a "gubmint takes away muh freedumb".

lulz. I can't make shit like this up. Nobody would believe me if I did.
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Philosphically, I am a Voluntarist, sometimes spelled Voluntaryist. Also, cock sucking is not for me, but it's okay if you do, that's your business. Just don't suck any cock where the cock owner would rather you don't. That's all I ask, don't be rapey.

If an anarcho communist community wants to dwell on a piece of land and every person there is into whatever prevailing philosophy they decide on, that's none of my business. Not for me, but none of my business. It's basically communism / collectivism and is anti individual liberty regarding how decisions are made. The collective in that sense becomes the dictator, at the top of the hierarchy. The ruler. Anarchists don't have a default ruler though. Anarcho Communists are just Communists, adding the Anarcho term to Communism, is cute, but pointless and contradictory.

I am an individual and do not default to a collective. The one thing that I need to do (should do) in order to be left alone, is to leave others alone. That makes me peaceful and is the core of a Voluntaryist philosophy. When Communists communities, or any other type of collective or state subsume others in defiance of individual consent, they cease being peaceful. They also cease to be Anarchists, since a forcible hierarchy is not compatible with Anarchy.

I hope that clears up any misconceptions you have. I know you hate it when I point out your foolishness, but I'm afraid I'm still winning.
Please stop at STOP signs Roy, even though it is communism. We are all trying to live together on this planet. It's a public safety thingy. Stop lights too.
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I didn't steal any land and it's debateable that all pre history "native americans" are who most people think they are. Ancient Africans, Europeans and Pacific Islanders may have had some presence in primeval North America, not to mention many North American tribes of "Indians" annexed lands from neighboring tribes.

Also, your remarks don't refute my ideas that we shouldn't force other individuals, they support my idea that we shouldn't. So, even when you are trying to correct me, you're using my argument to do it. Still winning.

I claim ownership of myself, and my justly acquired property. I don't owe anybody anything for crimes I didn't commit.
Oh, didn’t know you had a self entitled right to trespass. Carry on then.
Based on what he said, it wouldn't be trespassing, since he had an ostensible medical condition. The store could not legally ask him to leave due to his disability which prevents him from wearing a mask. That said, I know that a lot of people claim ADA accommodations which they aren't entitled to. The whole "it's my service animal, so I'm going to take it into this concert" drives me nuts, but it's also difficult to stop.
Personally I usually stop at stop-signs, unless clearly no one else is around. I usually drive around 5-10 above the speed limit too, as most people do. I think we've all learned by not that "traffic laws" are selectively enforceable, and often overly-cautions, so we cut corners and nuance them in our own ways. That's the problem with laws and bureaucracies, is that they are difficult to nuance, so hard lines get drawn often in the wrong places.
Based on what he said, it wouldn't be trespassing, since he had an ostensible medical condition. The store could not legally ask him to leave due to his disability which prevents him from wearing a mask. That said, I know that a lot of people claim ADA accommodations which they aren't entitled to. The whole "it's my service animal, so I'm going to take it into this concert" drives me nuts, but it's also difficult to stop.
Indeed, mental health disease is covered by the ADA.
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