Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Gig went great, perfect timing with the mom walking in the door to Maybe I'm Amazed. She was so surprised and happy! Her daughter didn't think she'd make it the entire hour as she tires easily these days, but the music seemed to energize her. We easily went the whole hour. The mother reminded me of my own, who passed back in 2017 from Alzheimer's. This lady is getting chemo and has about 6 months to go. Got a $100 tip, and traffic was light, so a nice gig for $600. Got home, heated up some left overs, and promptly fell asleep. Let the week of debauchery and atrophy begin!

I have never tried concentrates from a store, and I can't wait. I might spend my life savings in there....haha, probably only if they have opium in the back!

Yeah I read about your lack of electric on Thanksgiving....That is re-dick-you-lows....Sounds like NYSEG! I now have a generator just in case.
Don't Go Chasing Rainbows I don't go chasing dragons lol
@Rsawr , just finished Bruised. It was pretty good, a real tear jerker. You said there wasn't any girl-on-girl stuff, so glad you lied ;) Lady Killer is one of the top two women fighters in history, Valentina Shevchenko. She is amazing, my personal fav. Fast paced direction, pretty good writing, and of course, Berry was fantastic. Thanks for the reco...