What are you watching?

Ah Netflix…

I watched “Red Notice” the other day, a fun silly heist film that’s pretty action packed. I like Ryan Reynolds and Dwayne Johnson.

And they came out with a live action version of an old anime called Cowboy Bebop that I used to watch. I appreciate it because I feel like they played a decent homage to the cartoon. Even though the anime geeks are flaming it…lol

me and the wife watched "red notice", we thought it was good and actually very funny. Haven't caught Bebop yet, plan to this weekend....i've seen the anime version though
me and the wife watched "red notice", we thought it was good and actually very funny. Haven't caught Bebop yet, plan to this weekend....i've seen the anime version though
If you liked the anime, you might like the live action. I personally think they did a good job with it! It gives me same feelings as the anime
I just watched a trailer on Netflix for something new called Cowboy Bebop, no idea WTAF it’s about but looks great