How much for a pound near you?

I have been to CO. NV.
Im going to OR. OK. IL. & MI. soon

None of the dispensaries have bud thats STICKY. Plus, you cant touch it anyway.

My last grow was pre Trump & Jeff Sessions
Im inspecting weed everywhere... just to see if anyone in these shops can out grow me.

Its getting bad though
I am seeing random spikes in quality that CANT NOT be denied.

Random Terp BOMBS that GAS open air on the Vegas Strip. WAY!! better than ANY dealer on the fucking strip. I was there for 5 days networking.

This guy is just walking the strip with the fucking cone LIT AF!! Source!? NOT TELLING...haha. Sorry to the homies from LBC but that fool had GAS!! You could smell him from over 20ft.

A Random Pre Roll filled with Flavor EXPLOSIONS on Colfax Ave. Source?! Hawaii

GREAT!! weed is lurking in these cities.
I said it before...DANK! is going to Take Over
Solid Growers are going to make TOP Dollar.

Right now, you have to pay that sky high state fee to sell to most dispensaries...I think?!
Shelf space is lacking...because they only have access to so MANY so-so growers.

Plus, It seems like ALL of the outdoor is in The Streets. Street Dealers are having a ball...16... $50 oz. --selling for $30 an 8th.
($240 a zip/$3800 a unit)

I would throw $560 an oz. for whatever the fuck was in that hawaiian pre roll.
Just 3 growers chopping it up on Colfax Ave.
That 1 half of a cone took a right ROYAL SHIT on everything I have seen from Golden to Aurora.

Mark My Words...
All the lolli pop names that ppl have been making up for recycled genetics is going to FALL HARD!! & Pheno hunters with a solid grasp on skill ARE going to rake in BIG BANK

Dont be surprised if dispensaries start low key buying from the best of the best.

Rant Over. Cheers.
Oz for 300 hell I'm working at the wrong end of this. Send your folks up to Southern Oregon we can probably do them a bit better than that. 300 /oz can't wait to show that to couple folks whining about paying 750 a pound.
300 an oz you sure? Hell that's gotta be the pric3
I have been to CO. NV.
Im going to OR. OK. IL. & MI. soon

None of the dispensaries have bud thats STICKY. Plus, you cant touch it anyway.

My last grow was pre Trump & Jeff Sessions
Im inspecting weed everywhere... just to see if anyone in these shops can out grow me.

Its getting bad though
I am seeing random spikes in quality that CANT NOT be denied.

Random Terp BOMBS that GAS open air on the Vegas Strip. WAY!! better than ANY dealer on the fucking strip. I was there for 5 days networking.

This guy is just walking the strip with the fucking cone LIT AF!! Source!? NOT TELLING...haha. Sorry to the homies from LBC but that fool had GAS!! You could smell him from over 20ft.

A Random Pre Roll filled with Flavor EXPLOSIONS on Colfax Ave. Source?! Hawaii

GREAT!! weed is lurking in these cities.
I said it before...DANK! is going to Take Over
Solid Growers are going to make TOP Dollar.

Right now, you have to pay that sky high state fee to sell to most dispensaries...I think?!
Shelf space is lacking...because they only have access to so MANY so-so growers.

Plus, It seems like ALL of the outdoor is in The Streets. Street Dealers are having a ball...16... $50 oz. --selling for $30 an 8th.
($240 a zip/$3800 a unit)

I would throw $560 an oz. for whatever the fuck was in that hawaiian pre roll.
Just 3 growers chopping it up on Colfax Ave.
That 1 half of a cone took a right ROYAL SHIT on everything I have seen from Golden to Aurora.

Mark My Words...
All the lolli pop names that ppl have been making up for recycled genetics is going to FALL HARD!! & Pheno hunters with a solid grasp on skill ARE going to rake in BIG BANK

Dont be surprised if dispensaries start low key buying from the best of the best.

Rant Over. Cheers.
You just reminded me of my guy who should if nothing else be given the Award for most awesome idea of the decade. The man offers these little tiny ceder shake bird houses. Inside is a little bird fashioned from not the most Dank but, pretty good buds none the less he gets $25 for his tiny creations. His road side hand painted sign simply reads "420 Bird house" $25. Now it's illegal as all hell to street vend that demon weed marijuana but not bird houses it's Americana. I stop and purchase just because why the hell not.
300 an oz you sure? Hell that's gotta be the pric3

You just reminded me of my guy who should if nothing else be given the Award for most awesome idea of the decade. The man offers these little tiny ceder shake bird houses. Inside is a little bird fashioned from not the most Dank but, pretty good buds none the less he gets $25 for his tiny creations. His road side hand painted sign simply reads "420 Bird house" $25. Now it's illegal as all hell to street vend that demon weed marijuana but not bird houses it's Americana. I stop and purchase just because why the hell not.
Pics!?....that’s a good one
Light Dep-400-2500
Indoor-1100 up

Most growers I know are switching over to light dep due to saving costs, same or better quality as indoor, and can be passed off as indoor. NorCal.
Light Dep-400-2500
Indoor-1100 up

Most growers I know are switching over to light dep due to saving costs, same or better quality as indoor, and can be passed off as indoor. NorCal.
That markets done. There was an immediate and unending supply of light deps this year starting mid June. MID JUNE AN OVER SUPPLY OF DEPS! Prices were 5-750 for bomb deps all summer and still now.
That were unscrupulously passed as indoors, thus trashing the confidence of "indoor" stuff presented to buyers. Calling your product light assist or indoors raises flags and scrutiny.
Theres other states pumping indoor at phenomenal amounts and prices and or dep and full term. Meaning the west coast is less desirable to shop as its farther away.
Full term market as a whole is dying out as premium flower. Theres always going to be niche connoisseurs quality growers. But the risk of seeds from hemp, low prices, low quality from wildfires and (still) huge amounts of dep make full term flower primarily for biomass in the future.
Theres a big increase in concentrates too. Which full term can fill nicely.
That markets done. There was an immediate and unending supply of light deps this year starting mid June. MID JUNE AN OVER SUPPLY OF DEPS! Prices were 5-750 for bomb deps all summer and still now.
That were unscrupulously passed as indoors, thus trashing the confidence of "indoor" stuff presented to buyers. Calling your product light assist or indoors raises flags and scrutiny.
Theres other states pumping indoor at phenomenal amounts and prices and or dep and full term. Meaning the west coast is less desirable to shop as its farther away.
Full term market as a whole is dying out as premium flower. Theres always going to be niche connoisseurs quality growers. But the risk of seeds from hemp, low prices, low quality from wildfires and (still) huge amounts of dep make full term flower primarily for biomass in the future.
Theres a big increase in concentrates too. Which full term can fill nicely.
The light dep part is entirely true. You can’t really tell if it’s a high end dep which was pointed out to me by a few growers. Crazy thing about the Bay Area is that majority of its hood weed is being exported to different states, leaving its native land bare. Guess there’s an upside and downside to the turn of events but hopefully we’ll foresee a decrease in prices for the end consumer (maaaybe). I believe deps will bring a new wave of more organically grown weed without much use of any chemicals. Also I forgot to mention C02 which is in between light and indoor which is about 1k+ this far.
deps and full out make no difference. ive seen a lot of full outs that beat deps. if you get bomb mendo or sohum shit its just as good as the deps. people seem to think full outs are less quality than deps for some reason. they probably arent growers themselves or arent from norcal.
deps and full out make no difference. ive seen a lot of full outs that beat deps. if you get bomb mendo or sohum shit its just as good as the deps. people seem to think full outs are less quality than deps for some reason. they probably arent growers themselves or arent from norcal.
Facts. Hard to understand if you’ve never seen it.
deps and full out make no difference. ive seen a lot of full outs that beat deps. if you get bomb mendo or sohum shit its just as good as the deps. people seem to think full outs are less quality than deps for some reason. they probably arent growers themselves or arent from norcal.
Have you ever been to norcal?
The light dep part is entirely true. You can’t really tell if it’s a high end dep which was pointed out to me by a few growers. Crazy thing about the Bay Area is that majority of its hood weed is being exported to different states, leaving its native land bare. Guess there’s an upside and downside to the turn of events but hopefully we’ll foresee a decrease in prices for the end consumer (maaaybe). I believe deps will bring a new wave of more organically grown weed without much use of any chemicals. Also I forgot to mention C02 which is in between light and indoor which is about 1k+ this far.
This year was supposed to be a year where farmers could make a living, work more during summer, to pay for full term harvest and trimming. Deps were supposed to be a lifeline. But everyone went all in on deps. Organized crime too. Theres stil a huge supply of deps getting bought before and at higher ticket than fresh full terms. Full terms where hemp is also legal are suspected to all have seeds to some degree, further keeping the price down for those.
Zero days. Price isnt going back up.
If youre producing on the west coast, deps again will be in huge supply prices starting near and below 8 for the early June. Who am I kidding?!
Right now, where I live in the out in rural farm lands and forests, at night there's hundreds of deps as far as you can see still going glowing orange. Its year round now. No more long winter vacations.
So as a producer for dep you need bulk, or the right strain grown as best as possible to compete with bulk prices. And still get less than 8 all summer long. Be happy with 5-6 for fire deps ffs.
Full term as a producer pencils better for biomass than for flower. Fresh frozen live rosin or other concentrates are a growing market. Hemp that is seeding out full term and the still over supply of deps has full term barely worth paying to trim, and i do not mean hand but machine trim!
Indoors is the category that is holding its value out west. But other states are producing more and cheaper indoors now as well as dep and full terms. Those states can get a full 1-2 points on anything just being closer to a buyers market.