Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

And either way, its moot point here. The shooter had no way of knowing before hand and THAT is the point that's been repeatedly posed in this thread. It was never about defending matter how hard these imbeciles tripping over themselves try to spin it.

So I smoke a bunch of that the defense they are going with? That's fuckin dumb. From a logic perspective. And a moral one.
The judge definitely had a lot to do with it. The reality is that the judge would have treated a black man differently, and that difference in tone affects the entire trial. As far as self-defense, I think what the jury overlooked here is that Kyle wasn't attached in his own home, and defended himself. He placed himself with a weapon in the situation. That's antagonization, plain and simple. It's akin to walking out in the street, and shouting "fight me", then when someone swings you dodge and punch back in a false claim of self-defense. That isn't self-defense, that's picking a fight. Same as this little boy with a big gun Kyle did.

It’s really disgusting to see people try to inject race into a situation where it had nothing to do with anything then make up some incendiary comments to provoke emotional reaction in others. This was a case of self defense and second amendment rights and the same people that are celebrating Kyles release would be feeling the same way if it were a person of color. The same people applauded the Korean shop owners arming up and protecting their family businesses against the Riots and arson in LA 1992
It’s funny that nobody mentions or stands up for the group that is seeing the biggest rise in hate crimes against them. But I guess being Asian doesn’t fit the media narrative so it’s ok. Just saw this today :( . Where is the outrage?

It’s really disgusting to see people try to inject race into a situation where it had nothing to do with anything then make up some incendiary comments to provoke emotional reaction in others. This was a case of self defense and second amendment rights and the same people that are celebrating Kyles release would be feeling the same way if it were a person of color. The same people applauded the Korean shop owners arming up and protecting their family businesses against the Riots and arson in LA 1992
Horseshit. No sane gun owner - or anyone thats raised teenagers for that matter - would condone this. It was one bad decision after another. The only people supporting Kyle are nutty ring wing racist idiots or people that identify with an idiot teenager. In this thread, its both.

If Kyle had been affiliated with antifa the same people jerking off to his nonguilty verdict would be ready to string him up.

Now pipe down and go brush your teeth.
Justice was served in this trial, and the garbage was disposed of.

It’s refreshing to come here and update my banned list, just put the slap down on a shitload of commie mother fuckers.

P.S. If I don’t respond to your bullshit, it means you have been deemed unworthy, and a piece of commie shit, and on my banned list.
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that's pretty funny. You have your propaganda and I have my facts based news. For example, I'm reading about Gatez raping a child. Shocking isn't it?

This was last week. And every week I see news reports of Asians attacked but it doesn’t seem to get attention that it should.

Not sure what your point is white boy, but I have seen several threads this past year about violence against Asians so it’s been getting more attention here than you’re saying. I would also suggest that the violence and discrimination Asians deal with in America pales compared to the black experience. I personally have never worried about my children being killed/arrested/framed by the cops. I’m sure you feel like you have a point, but you seem pretty ignorant other than some news.
Right wing trolls, especially the ones who post in this thread have limited access to facts based news reporting. Knowing that they will go to this therad first and foremost, suggest people post facts based news about the real face of the GOP so that they can catch up during a drive-by trolling.

For example, this shocker:

A GOP strategist was arrested on 10 felony counts of underage sex trafficking, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice


The Justice Department said that Lazzaro "conspired with others to recruit and solicit six minor victims to engage in commercial sex acts" from May 2020 through December. The indictment said Lazzaro also "knowingly and intentionally" obstructed justice from July 2020 through March of this year in connection with his alleged sex trafficking of minors.

Right wing fascination with pedophilia is creepy.
Not sure what your point is white boy, but I have seen several threads this past year about violence against Asians so it’s been getting more attention here than you’re saying. I would also suggest that the violence and discrimination Asians deal with in America pales compared to the black experience. I personally have never worried about my children being killed/arrested/framed by the cops. I’m sure you feel like you have a point, but you seem pretty ignorant other than some news.

Unless your kids are breaking the law and drawing attention to themselves why would you have to worry about police?? I’m not saying all but most negative interactions with police has to do with 1) Cooperation 2)Attitude. After all the bullshit we seen with police shooting people are still trying to run and resist arrest. Right there that puts your life in danger
Unless your kids are breaking the law and drawing attention to themselves why would you have to worry about police?? I’m not saying all but most negative interactions with police has to do with 1) Cooperation 2)Attitude. After all the bullshit we seen with police shooting people are still trying to run and resist arrest. Right there that puts your life in danger
Crazy right, people not doing exactly what the police tell them to, lol. You have a long life of confusion ahead of ya.
I really hate the term defund the police. I knew people like you wouldn’t understand it. It’s not about getting rid of police, it’s about using money in a wiser way. Besides, isnt it kind of silly posts a meme using a situation/protests caused by police abuses?

So say a cop is just an asshole and wrongly kills someone. Why blame the whole department? Why punish businesses who are a lot of times immigrants who invested their life’s savings? Why punish motorists who just want to get home and most want no involvement in bullshit. Why destroy things? All I have seen is people have animosity towards those doing this. And I know there are always people that come to peaceful protests not giving a shit about the agenda but just wanting to cause trouble. Why not call those people out and tell them that’s not what it’s about and it only hurts support for the cause ?
tsk tsk tsk

I do sympathize with old men who can't seem to get that the Me Too movement has changed public perception of what is acceptable and what is not when it comes to male sexual aggression towards women. But really? He showed it on Skype?

Georgia GOP official busted in alleged rape attempt he showed online

A Georgia Republican official is facing criminal rape charges after he broadcast on Skype an alleged sexual assault attempt, according to a bombshell report.
Billy Joe Turnage, the 76-year-old GOP chairman in Union County in northern Georgia, allegedly tried to rape a 39-year-old woman in her house — and he televised the disgusting act on the Internet, according to the North Georgia News.
So say a cop is just an asshole and wrongly kills someone. Why blame the whole department? Why punish businesses who are a lot of times immigrants who invested their life’s savings? Why punish motorists who just want to get home and most want no involvement in bullshit. Why destroy things? All I have seen is people have animosity towards those doing this. And I know there are always people that come to peaceful protests not giving a shit about the agenda but just wanting to cause trouble. Why not call those people out and tell them that’s not what it’s about and it only hurts support for the cause ?
Because it’s the system that’s messed up, not just some cops. The police have shown a complete failure in the job they’ve been tasked to do. Why keep spending money where it doesn’t work? End the drug war, defund the police and use the money in smarter ways to fight crime and poverty.
Well I pull over, turn off my engine , roll down the window, and am cordial to even a dick of a cop. I ask if it’s ok to reach for my wallet and I do it real slow. I’m not going to do something stupid and get myself shot. I think along with teaching police how to deal with the community the schools should teach kids how to act towards police.
So say a cop is just an asshole and wrongly kills someone. Why blame the whole department? Why punish businesses who are a lot of times immigrants who invested their life’s savings? Why punish motorists who just want to get home and most want no involvement in bullshit. Why destroy things? All I have seen is people have animosity towards those doing this. And I know there are always people that come to peaceful protests not giving a shit about the agenda but just wanting to cause trouble. Why not call those people out and tell them that’s not what it’s about and it only hurts support for the cause ?
The big problem with this is that the asshole cop generally gets the department covering for him/her.
This makes the rest of your post look a bit aspirational.