I run Jacks @ 3g, Calnit @ 2.5g and 1g of Epsom salt in veg only as I run LED's. I don't run any Epsom in flower under DE lights and at week 2.5 I add 0.5g of MKP. I run this from rooted clone to last 10-14 days before harvest. Last 2 weeks I'm lower co2, temps, EC, RH... pretty much drop all parameters in my room. I also will lower my Calnit sometimes in flower if the particular strain seems to be getting to green or leafy.
I've ran a few different lines, all very comparable outcomes, nute brand didn't make any real difference IMO.
3 different strains in these photos at day 42. Fed the above schedule with added drip clean, and foliar spraying Power Si and Remo's Velokelp in early flower only.