Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Wow you keep trying to paint me as some racist person that wants to wipe out all nonwhites? WTF bro? Turner Diaries? really? Are your eyes that closed that we live in a violent world? We do. Thousands of violent acts happen everyday. Humanity is violent. Always has been, always will be. And those that choose to ignore this fact typically end up fodder.
whatever shit hole you live in, stay there.
So pot should only be in qualified hands too right? Everyone that wants to smoke should have to have a medical card? Or can you let people do what they want
Imagine the horror. The terrorists have managed to hijack a convoy carrying four strategic marijuanas. Their tortured Armenian disabled the safeties. Now these thermonarcotic warheads are headed straight for Apple Pie Country’s moral heartland, and by day’s end more black folk will have had white goodies than in the two centuries prior.

And only you who chose to believe delusion dipped in every patriotic term are to blame for this flash-nothing end to the culture war!
What do you all think this has to say about the gun culture in America? I'm old and growing up most all the problems in TV and movies was solved with guns. I know people who buy two or three guns a year. Never fire them. Just buy them. Did you see that guy at that meeting in Idaho? The guy who said, "when do we get to use the guns". America be crazy. And I think there is a war coming.
Do you believe it is possible to own a gun or guns, and not subscribe to a notional gun culture?
What do you all think this has to say about the gun culture in America? I'm old and growing up most all the problems in TV and movies was solved with guns. I know people who buy two or three guns a year. Never fire them. Just buy them. Did you see that guy at that meeting in Idaho? The guy who said, "when do we get to use the guns". America be crazy. And I think there is a war coming.
You can get a Mossberg 12ga pump for $260 at Big5....
What do you all think this has to say about the gun culture in America? I'm old and growing up most all the problems in TV and movies was solved with guns. I know people who buy two or three guns a year. Never fire them. Just buy them. Did you see that guy at that meeting in Idaho? The guy who said, "when do we get to use the guns". America be crazy. And I think there is a war coming.
It began in January
Bring it
What do you all think this has to say about the gun culture in America? I'm old and growing up most all the problems in TV and movies was solved with guns. I know people who buy two or three guns a year. Never fire them. Just buy them. Did you see that guy at that meeting in Idaho? The guy who said, "when do we get to use the guns". America be crazy. And I think there is a war coming.

I used to think there was going to be some big blow out but just like the 60’s all the upheaval on one side fizzles out and people find better things to do with their lives then so does the other side. People are getting tired of the bullshit and increased crime rates. Eventually the extreme liberal mayors will be replaced by a conservative or moderate who won’t put up with people burning an entire block of businesses down. Like with the trial verdict they called in the Nat Guard. But why didn’t they call them in to stop the destruction before it happened? We would never even heard about Kyle Rittenhouse and the two people he should would still be alive. It’s a pendulum and times are changing for the better

I used to think there was going to be some big blow out but just like the 60’s all the upheaval on one side fizzles out and people find better things to do with their lives then so does the other side. People are getting tired of the bullshit and increased crime rates. Eventually the extreme liberal mayors will be replaced by a conservative or moderate who won’t put up with people burning an entire block of businesses down. Like with the trial verdict they called in the Nat Guard. But why didn’t they call them in to stop the destruction before it happened? We would never even heard about Kyle Rittenhouse and the two people he should would still be alive. It’s a pendulum and times are changing for the better
I remember when Tepublicans claimed the moral high ground and being for small business
You know before they patronized a grifter and told small businesses they couldn’t make mandates to protect their families and employees
So much for freedom
Funny how things change
Like when those Dixie Democrats abondened the party and joined the GOP
Where they still remain today hmmm
I remember when Tepublicans claimed the moral high ground and being for small business
You know before they patronized a grifter and told small businesses they couldn’t make mandates to protect their families and employees
So much for freedom
Funny how things change
Like when those Dixie Democrats abondened the party and joined the GOP
Where they still remain today hmmm

And going off what happened in the 70’s when crime was through the roof and people just got tired of it. They can’t even fill positions in Law Enforcement because people are worried that even if they do their job perfectly they may have to shoot somebody and get crucified by the radical left even if it was justified. Crime rates are going up and so are death tolls. People are going have to decide if they want to have a police presence or live in chaos and gang violence. Shits gonna get worse. Mark my words.
And going off what happened in the 70’s when crime was through the roof and people just got tired of it. They can’t even fill positions in Law Enforcement because people are worried that even if they do their job perfectly they may have to shoot somebody and get crucified by the radical left even if it was justified. Crime rates are going up and so are death tolls. People are going have to decide if they want to have a police presence or live in chaos and gang violence. Shits gonna get worse. Mark my words.
Pray it gets better bro
Pray it gets better bro

I just want us all to look at each other as not black or white right or left but as fellow Americans that give a shit about each other and our community. It’s heartbreaking to hear about all the young people dying in places like Chicago and even worse when it’s some innocent little kid that dies for absolutely nothing. Shits not right man