
well that would be because they all had the shot at the same time, so they all got the reaction at the same time...if they would have staggered the shots out over a week or two, this wouldn't have bad logistics on their part equal some kind of...some kind of what? a conspiracy? proof that the vaccines are evil?...was it that much graphene concentrated in a single spot that caused a mass chain reaction? good thing they all went home, if they had stayed together who knows what might have happened? oh yeah, all of us do...nothing would have happened
Army bars vaccine refusers from promotions and reenlistment as deadline approaches
I recall (as you do too I bet) standing in line in skivvies getting hit in each arm & butt cheek with all kinds of crap. To this day I have no idea what I was being inoculated for. Right or wrong I signed the check.