
Active Member
I have been hearing about this hempy bucket
system but what is it..

Is it just pertlite and water nutes in a bucket..

Like are the roots exposed to air most of the time..
In the perlite with the water resovior at the bottom..

I have seen the website that explains it but i would
like someone's personal opinion and own experience
on the subject...

And i would like to know if this system is better then
soil grow...


New Member
yeah you pretty much get it, just need a hole about 2 inches up from the bottom of the bucket, the perlite does stay wet for me but like you said the majority comes from the resevoir in the bottom and the perlite allows the roots to breathe really well. i've never grown in soil i ussually do coco and perlite which outgrows soil and my hempies are budding quicker than my one in coco.

here is boneman's grow which is a pretty good example



Active Member
What is the feeding schedule for the hempy bucket system..???

How many times do you flood the bucket with water..???

And when do you start to add nutes in the ph. Water..???

When they are seedling should they be watered til the
tap root hits the bottom res..???

White E

Active Member
Hempy is pretty easy man. im a first timer and my ladies took off very nicely with the hempy system. only have to water every few days. the one thing i would say i started from seeds and they took forever to take off. but once they did they just shot up.

And the "hempy collective" forum it might take a while to read but you will be happy you did.