just have to laugh i guess


Active Member
well last night i got really really high, (which i hardly ever do) and i was just playing video games at home by myself. well im sitting there and i hear somebody pounding on my door so i kinda get scared and dont turn any lights on and go look through the peep hole and dont see anybody. so i'm freaking out and getting nervous and notice that somebody is standing kind of next to the door looking like they're hiding. then i guess i thought i heard a dog and it looked like the guy was a cop so i run into my room and flush my two plants down the toilet. i dont know if i was just extra paranoid because later i tell my brother and he tells me that one of his friends came over looking for him. im really pissed and mad at myself for freaking out but i was only about 3 weeks into veg and my buddy said he would get me more seeds and i feel like i need to get over this fear of getting caught and am thinking about just buying some seeds offline. anyways just thought i'd post my paranoid flush my plants down the toilet story and hope im not gonna get flamed for it.


Active Member
ya it happens i truley recomend doing a lil research maybe norml . org and seeing your states drug laws before you start freakin out, when i first started i refused to grow more than a couple cuz if i got caught i didint want intent to distribute, than i did a lil research just to find out colorados law states that 1-99 plants is the same charge, felony cultivation. so i said fuck it n did it big and had no problems, but also, ifyour gonna get caught you gonna get caught , nothin u can do about it but MOST states will just give ya a lil slap on the wrist if its your first drug charge shit my boy got caught with a big show of around 80 and got a year probation and some fines. so your fine just grow it, calm down dont tell ANYBODY and kick back and love your babys. good luck!


Active Member
also not to mention im sure the police around you have bigger better things to worry about than a couple new growers throwin together a few plants, only worry about gettin caught by dirrect police if your growing POUNDS, so 90% chance you will never be bothered.


Active Member
thanks for the advice. i had really planned on going thru with my very first grow and want to get through my next one successfully.


Active Member
Pray for the family of the dea officer that ever knocks on my door... I will make bodies pile up like it's a zombie movie!

haha, yes. im surprised my whole block dont smell like dank , i know the SECOND u open my front door and goinside my house u know whats up so FUCK!?!


Well-Known Member
Yeah man that blows but if you can get some $$ dont be paranoid bout
orderin some seeds online. I was. I ordered some, got em in 7 days,
not worried now. No big deal really but that sucks for your plants :cry::cry:


stays relevant.
Put a couple of these around the yard and tell me if you ever hear from anyone again...



Well-Known Member
Dear lord baby jesus..Man i bet growtechs got bout 50 of them
bitches around his shit. Nobody comes or goes. :lol:


Active Member
Yeah man that blows but if you can get some $$ dont be paranoid bout
orderin some seeds online. I was. I ordered some, got em in 7 days,
not worried now. No big deal really but that sucks for your plants :cry::cry:
awesome well thats what im gonna do then. what site did you use?


Active Member
hey when you sign up for Nirvana is it ok to use your real name or should i make one up? i'm planning on buying ak-48 because i like a sativa high just a little more than an couch lock high.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that fucking sucks dude! hahaha. I guess better to be safe than sorry, better luck next time man.


Well-Known Member
Be Scared. Be very Scared. Never try to get rid of your paranoia... just don't -act- paranoid. Take every precaution you can, better safe than sorry.

And i'm actually surprised by GrowTech's comments and HOPE that he is joking. Do -NOT- mix marijuana and guns. Or that probation that you are hoping for will be a distant and impossible dream. You will get the maximum sentence and added charges. And fer real, i can go in front of a judge and say, "As i stand here today, i am not a criminal, nor is my sense of morality in any way troubled..." So, do you want to BE a criminal? What are you gonna do, shoot a fuggin cop?!? If ur suicidal then go rob a friggin bank for some instant money. Don't sulley the world of weed.