Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

On a personal note to you and I’m being sincere. Take it for what you will. You are so wrapped up in politics that it’s consumes you. You are wasting time on things neither you nor I can change and missing out on simple enjoyments by arguing with assholes like myself. I image you are a young guy so go enjoy life and have fun. This produces nothing and in the end you will have nothing to show for it but blurry vision, strained relationships, and lost time with people that actually matter.
His whole point of driving to another state (with a gun that was illegal for him to have) was supposedly to "provide protection" for some business he never heard of and that never even heard of him. Ironically, the only person who shot anyone in that entire protest was Rittenhouse. This wasn't a case of some good Samaritan just looking out for his community, this was someone with an itchy finger hoping to be provoked. And now that he's facing the consequences of his actions, it's all tears and victim-hood (except when he's at bars under age bragging to his friends about it). Seems like he should face the consequences for his actions.
On a personal note to you and I’m being sincere. Take it for what you will. You are so wrapped up in politics that it’s consumes you. You are wasting time on things neither you nor I can change and missing out on simple enjoyments by arguing with assholes like myself. I image you are a young guy to go enjoy life and have fun. This produces nothing and in the end you will have nothing to show for it but blurry vision, strained relationships, and lost time with people that actually matter.
I really look forward to a day that propaganda trolls are no longer destroying our democracy and doing truly evil shit like brainwashing people into being extremely unsafe during a pandemic that has killed over 700,000 Americans so that I can log off and not have to see the damage that the hate mongering propagandists are doing by spamming every form of communication that they can micro target with their quarter a post earning shit posting militarized troll army.

But thanks man, I hope that one day you realize what it is that you are doing is basically the online equivalent of hazardous waste and walk away from it too.
You know what the problem is with people these days? They don’t live and let live. You can’t change people and how they think by arguing they have to be willing to change. Back in the day if somebody was racist we might try to interject something like “ Well there are good and bad people regardless of what they look like.” But in time either those kind of people realized how damaging hate is or they turned into bitter and wrinkled individuals that nobody wanted to be around. This whole getting in people’s faces and shouting them down just makes things worse.
That’s the dumbest shit I’ve read today
It's just sad to see the lack of testosterone in rightwing males, they are terrified of everything, now a skateboard is a dangerous weapon, as a child I played Jarts, the soy bois on the right would faint after seeing a Jart.

So by that logic if you were armed, attacked by a group, and somebody tried to stab you with a Jart you would just be cool with it because you are such a bad ass? Why don’t you look who writes these bills into law regarding “ Safety “ and wants to control every aspect of our lives. It’s not the conservatives. Halloween is a good example. You tell me what side is always looking for a reason to be offended by some stupid costume. Anything you wear is considered offensive. That’s not the right either. You really need to do your research because you are calling the wrong side pansies and low testosterone. We teach our sons to pee standing up
So by that logic if you were armed, attacked by a group, and somebody tried to stab you with a Jart you would just be cool with it because you are such a bad ass? Why don’t you look who writes these bills into law regarding “ Safety “ and wants to control every aspect of our lives. It’s not the conservatives. Halloween is a good example. You tell me what side is always looking for a reason to be offended by some stupid costume. Anything you wear is considered offensive. That’s not the right either. You really need to do your research because you are calling the wrong side pansies and low testosterone. We teach our sons to pee standing up
“We “ hahahahaha :hug:
So by that logic if you were armed, attacked by a group, and somebody tried to stab you with a Jart you would just be cool with it because you are such a bad ass? Why don’t you look who writes these bills into law regarding “ Safety “ and wants to control every aspect of our lives. It’s not the conservatives. Halloween is a good example. You tell me what side is always looking for a reason to be offended by some stupid costume. Anything you wear is considered offensive. That’s not the right either. You really need to do your research because you are calling the wrong side pansies and low testosterone. We teach our sons to pee standing up

The point wasn't that I'm a bad ass, it was that you are a ball-less fool, you're a little slow.
The point wasn't that I'm a bad ass, it was that you are a ball-less fool, you're a little slow.

Because if I was attacked by a mob then fell I would defend myself if people started trying to knock me out with a skateboard? Riddle me this Batman: if it’s not a weapon that can render you unconscious then why in the fuck did that Skater Huber attack an armed man with it? Because he wasn’t expecting him to withstand a blow to the head is why.
So by that logic if you were armed, attacked by a group, and somebody tried to stab you with a Jart you would just be cool with it because you are such a bad ass? Why don’t you look who writes these bills into law regarding “ Safety “ and wants to control every aspect of our lives. It’s not the conservatives. Halloween is a good example. You tell me what side is always looking for a reason to be offended by some stupid costume. Anything you wear is considered offensive. That’s not the right either. You really need to do your research because you are calling the wrong side pansies and low testosterone. We teach our sons to pee standing up
^clutches of pearls

Not wanting to get in the way of a good rant but it must be said that your kind of Christian has been objecting to Halloween for decades.
And yet there are some that will fight to keep it this way. Interesting dilemma they face huh?
It's just unfathomable to someone who lives in Australia that these things actually happen in America. This kids mother who dropped her son off with an AR 15 should also be on trial for her grose negligence as a mother.
Its because of people like the idiot who started this thread that your country is basically fucked!!
Hope we're all ready to bow to our soon to be Chinese masters.