Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

The late George Carlin on America

“This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards, but not a list of criminals and maniacs! And now, they're thinking about banning toy guns - and they're gonna keep the fucking real ones!”

Remember when toy guns were an issue cause a couple kids got killed, meanwhile gangs killed 100’s weekly in the cities.
lol Oh are you one of those white 'nationalist' dick heads?

No wonder you are triggering.

What does it have to do with it? Simple, if you can get people who want to hate, but don't have the caucasian skin, hate mongers are still in need of that misguided spirit. So they evolve into different hate groups like the 'nationalists'.

I do notice you didn't mention the bullshit Chauvinist part of the bitch boys.

You are just babbling bullshit. People that want to hate regardless or color are going to find an outlet. I don’t know what the hell a Chavanist is. Never heard of it. I don’t take in all the media bullshit like you do or spend time on propaganda sites. The most I know about the Proud Boys is from small snippets I have seen but they weren’t all White so that tells me they can’t be a White Supremacy group. As far as Nationalism that’s just common knowledge that it means somebody that puts their country first. Has nothing to do with racism. You bought that line of bullshit. I don’t affiliate with any group or even care about what group does what. Keep drinking the Kool Aid the globalists want to keep up separated so we are easier to conquer
You are just babbling bullshit. People that want to hate regardless or color are going to find an outlet. I don’t know what the hell a Chavanist is. Never heard of it. I don’t take in all the media bullshit like you do or spend time on propaganda sites. The most I know about the Proud Boys is from small snippets I have seen but they weren’t all White so that tells me they can’t be a White Supremacy group. As far as Nationalism that’s just common knowledge that it means somebody that puts their country first. Has nothing to do with racism. You bought that line of bullshit. I don’t affiliate with any group or even care about what group does what. Keep drinking the Kool Aid the globalists want to keep up separated so we are easier to conquer
Holy BS
“ they weren’t all white so that tells me they can’t be a white supremacy group”

just an absolute peacock of ignorance on display
You are just babbling bullshit. People that want to hate regardless or color are going to find an outlet. I don’t know what the hell a Chavanist is. Never heard of it. I don’t take in all the media bullshit like you do or spend time on propaganda sites. The most I know about the Proud Boys is from small snippets I have seen but they weren’t all White so that tells me they can’t be a White Supremacy group. As far as Nationalism that’s just common knowledge that it means somebody that puts their country first. Has nothing to do with racism. You bought that line of bullshit. I don’t affiliate with any group or even care about what group does what. Keep drinking the Kool Aid the globalists want to keep up separated so we are easier to conquer
You just sound willfully ignorant and proud of it. White nationalism has nothing to do with "putting your country first", it's just semantic rebranding away from "white supremacy." Playing dumb is for kids, grow up guy.
I never think it’s clever and it’s so played out it’s sickening. I can’t wait until this whole “WS is everywhere” nonsense fizzles out.
It’ll fizzle out once the remarkably conformist folks like you stop being so offended when actual systemic racism, sexism etc is pointed out to them in a rather unironic black and white.
You are just babbling bullshit. People that want to hate regardless or color are going to find an outlet. I don’t know what the hell a Chavanist is. Never heard of it. I don’t take in all the media bullshit like you do or spend time on propaganda sites. The most I know about the Proud Boys is from small snippets I have seen but they weren’t all White so that tells me they can’t be a White Supremacy group. As far as Nationalism that’s just common knowledge that it means somebody that puts their country first. Has nothing to do with racism. You bought that line of bullshit. I don’t affiliate with any group or even care about what group does what. Keep drinking the Kool Aid the globalists want to keep up separated so we are easier to conquer
It really is funny how bad at this you are.
You just sound willfully ignorant and proud of it. White nationalism has nothing to do with "putting your country first", it's just semantic rebranding away from "white supremacy." Playing dumb is for kids, grow up guy.
You just sound willfully ignorant and proud of it. White nationalism has nothing to do with "putting your country first", it's just semantic rebranding away from "white supremacy." Playing dumb is for kids, grow up guy.

I don’t buy that. Just because CNN said it’s so. You can’t just take words which are in the Webster’s Dictionary and put a spin on them to fit your agenda and consider it written in stone. That’s as dumb as the people trying to insinuate that everybody who protests is somehow violent or destructive.
What part of Black Lives Matter's agenda do you disagree with?
The part about disrupting this, “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure,”.

If all they did was burn down police stations and assault police, I'd be 100% behind them.
Cops are power junkies that treat anyone they perceive as "less than", or "prone to violence" like shit.

While race is a driving force, the biggest issue with cops is your socioeconomic status, just ask oj Simpson. A poor person of any race would be doing life in prison.
It really is funny how bad at this you are.

And what do you do? You jump up and down pointing and screaming that people like me who don’t agree with your woke ideas are somehow racist because of it. You make accusations and when I disagree with those accusations it always circles back to accusing me of something. I’ll admit that’s a clever tactic because you can accuse without proof and the burden to prove my innocence falls upon me.
So I’ve been watching the trial, then today I watched lots of different Fox News commentary. Smfh how the fuck they manage to twist this is truly shocking even for them.
Right now I’m concerned that this old fool is going to declare a mistrial. If he does “with predudice” all hell will break loose. I m not too up on Wisconsin jurisprudence, can someone tell me if he can declare a mistrial after a verdict?
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The part about disrupting this, “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure,”.

If all they did was burn down police stations and assault police, I'd be 100% behind them.
Cops are power junkies that treat anyone they perceive as "less than", or "prone to violence" like shit.

While race is a driving force, the biggest issue with cops is your socioeconomic status, just ask oj Simpson. A poor person of any race would be doing life in prison.
BLM agrees. They removed that language from their website.

BLM does not nor ever has promoted violence. But you knew that.
You are going to act like you can’t kill somebody with a skateboard? You can kill somebody with anything of weight it you hit them in the head in the right spot. It’s like those idiots that don’t consider rock throwing lethal. They stone people to death in some countries

So I should go to the local skate park with a AR15 and kill all the skaters, according to you they should give me a medal for doing that. I'm pretty sure baseball bats and golf clubs are deadly weapons, better head to the ballpark and golf course while I'm at it.