Do NOT order from Greenline Organic Seedbank

Yeah he made a post on ig about a month or so ago that said "he had to handle business" or something to that effect meaning he was going to be gone for a bit. At least thats how I took it.

He probably had to go to rehab, 30 day cleanse type shit cuz he was on something for sure.

Wanted to grab some more clearwater packs but glad I correctly deciphered his cryptic post. Peace glo, it was cool bro
Unless he bred it and it's his exclusive then someone else has it. Too much hype over high THC or whatever. There's so many fine strains out. Many from your local pollen chucker.
Most stuff was almost half off and he was nuts with freebies. Only reason anyone shopped with him. I don't send cash to anyone anymore so i hope he comes back and makes people right so I can get some more ssdteallls
Meh ill give him another month. Hes been good to me. The last “steaaals” order showed up. Only one is pending.
Wow you're a forgiving dude, most people would be pissed, they've been waiting for their packs for upwards of 3 months. I agree glo has been good to me and I got lucky seeing as I haven't ordered anything the past few months. Riu actually saved my ass in that regard because I was about to go on a bit of a seed buying tear but saw some posts on here about glo not getting back to people and order not coming thru... I could tell it wasn't the usual glo bullshit, he pretty much disappeared for real this time.

It's one thing to take a month + on orders because your backed up and busy but it's another thing to willingly take people's money when you know you're not going to be able to fulfill orders and will be gone gone extended periods of time. That's really fucked up but hey it's glo. I'm not sure but I would guess you can still place order right now and pay? >which absolute no one should do.
Wow you're a forgiving dude, most people would be pissed, they've been waiting for their packs for upwards of 3 months. I agree glo has been good to me and I got lucky seeing as I haven't ordered anything the past few months. Riu actually saved my ass in that regard because I was about to go on a bit of a seed buying tear but saw some posts on here about glo not getting back to people and order not coming thru... I could tell it wasn't the usual glo bullshit, he pretty much disappeared for real this time.

It's one thing to take a month + on orders because your backed up and busy but it's another thing to willingly take people's money when you know you're not going to be able to fulfill orders and will be gone gone extended periods of time. That's really fucked up but hey it's glo. I'm not sure but I would guess you can still place order right now and pay? >which absolute no one should do.

I don't think he's sending out invoices. I just checked and my last order arrived around the 10th of last month. While I was looking at the date I found a picture of the package I was talking about in one of my previous posts.

Better read fine print on credit cards, pay pal etc on those chargebacks. Not automatic like the old days. And now all dude has to do is respond. Paypal now makes you prove the tracking/receipt on a dispute before they give money back or they give it back immediately and then recharge when seller responds
I don't think he's sending out invoices. I just checked and my last order arrived around the 10th of last month. While I was looking at the date I found a picture of the package I was talking about in one of my previous posts.

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Ya I firgued that would be the case, so he is legitimately gone then if he not sending invoices out. The rehab thing someone mentioned above actually makes sense.
Never sure if it’s him or his mom, he had a sick mom story these last few times.
You don't know what to believe, he's always posting crazy stuff, I hope the guy is alright and his family is alright either way.

All I know is the he runs the seed bank/everything by himself, all of it. He told me that when we were talking thru in email one time because I was telling him I sent email to amber.. something along those lines and he replied, "there is no amber, it's only me, I run this whole thing."
Haha fucking glo!
Better read fine print on credit cards, pay pal etc on those chargebacks. Not automatic like the old days. And now all dude has to do is respond. Paypal now makes you prove the tracking/receipt on a dispute before they give money back or they give it back immediately and then recharge when seller responds
With PayPal He would have to provide tracking before they close the case. They don't just send the money back just because the seller responds. You just request to get your order cancelled and refunded. When they don't respond you get the judgment. Then the case is closed. They can't show that they sent it after and they would have had to provide the proof before they close. I have dealt with them a bunch and they are really good
You don't know what to believe, he's always posting crazy stuff, I hope the guy is alright and his family is alright either way.

All I know is the he runs the seed bank/everything by himself, all of it. He told me that when we were talking thru in email one time because I was telling him I sent email to amber.. something along those lines and he replied, "there is no amber, it's only me, I run this whole thing."
Haha fucking glo!
There is no Dana. Only Zuul
looks like hes back…says he had covid but who knows if thats true…hopefully everyone gets their packages
