Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

If he walks that means breaking the law is allowed

There is a certain clause in the law which overlooks minor infractions like what he did if you are doing it for a greater good. It would be like breaking a car window to save a child or animal on a hot day sort of thing. This whole trial was politically motivated. That’s one thing the FBI should arrest people for too. If you harass a juror, judge,prosecutors, attorney, or incite a riot after a verdict. How is that not also assaulting democracy?
There is a certain clause in the law which overlooks minor infractions like what he did if you are doing it for a greater good. It would be like breaking a car window to save a child or animal on a hot day sort of thing. This whole trial was politically motivated. That’s one thing the FBI should arrest people for too. If you harass a juror, judge,prosecutors, attorney, or incite a riot after a verdict. How is that not also assaulting democracy?
Cool story bro
There is a certain clause in the law which overlooks minor infractions like what he did if you are doing it for a greater good. It would be like breaking a car window to save a child or animal on a hot day sort of thing. This whole trial was politically motivated. That’s one thing the FBI should arrest people for too. If you harass a juror, judge,prosecutors, attorney, or incite a riot after a verdict. How is that not also assaulting democracy?
There is a certain clause in the law where hunting people and shooting them in the back is called murder.
This troll has longevity.

I usually have him on ignore but every now and then I check his posts when people respond to him.

he's either just trolling for fun, which makes him a useless piece of shit who enjoys irritating other people, or he believes the feces that falls from his mouth, which makes him dangerously deranged...either way, i have better things to do with my time than interact with lancing a boil on my ass...
People who are forced to fund a compulsory school or face dire consequences are indoctrinated, not educated.

There is no justification for using threats of violence to remove a peaceful persons education options. I wonder why you like to threaten people with guns so much, did you learn that in school ? Are you safe ? Is there somebody threatening you ?
Taliban much?......
Now that is an actual protest and that’s fine. I may not agree with the agenda but as long as it’s not destroying property, injuring people, or violating others rights by blocking their passage I don’t know one person that is not ok with that. This is protected by 1st amendment rights.
What agenda are you disagreeing with when you say the protest is fine?
Looks like 500 National Guard are standing by in Kenosha. When Rittenhouse walks I’m sure they will get some hands on training with people throwing tantrums and breaking the law
Correct me if i’m wrong but there were hundreds of protests with tens of thousands of armed cops and no demonstrators were shot by leo last year. But this kid rolls into town with a semi automatic rifle and bags the limit his first night?
You mean white guys were shot for protesting the police murdering a black it

You are so brainwashed that you are spouting off misinformation. Jacob Blake is still alive. He was shot when police served a warrant for third degree sexual assault and spousal abuse. He is still alive look it up
Now that is an actual protest and that’s fine. I may not agree with the agenda but as long as it’s not destroying property, injuring people, or violating others rights by blocking their passage I don’t know one person that is not ok with that. This is protected by 1st amendment rights.
I know right. The way I figure it, if Kenosha KIller Kyle gets off, the city needs to worry about all kinds of little 17 year olds running around with illegally purchased guns pissing people off and killing them when they get the natural response to someone pointing a gun. And if they lose all those white domestic terrorists will riot because their little martyr was held accountable for killing multiple people when he got all scared while LARPing when someone threw a plastic bag at him.


You are so brainwashed that you are spouting off misinformation. Jacob Blake is still alive. He was shot when police served a warrant for third degree sexual assault and spousal abuse. He is still alive look it up
And you are so triggered to troll you pretend that was who they meant.
