Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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This would rile the republicans up!

Austria set to place millions of unvaccinated people in lockdown, as chancellor slams 'shameful' shot uptake
oh it already has, and the aussie's have replied in kind....
Gene Simmons rips anti-vaxxers: 'If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy'
Gene Simmons is blasting COVID-19 deniers and unvaccinated Americans, calling them the "enemy."
"If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy," the KISS frontman said Wednesday in an interview on "TalkShopLive."
"I don't care about your political beliefs," the "Rock and Roll All Nite" singer said while discussing canceling tour dates earlier this year when he and fellow bandmate Paul Stanley tested positive with so-called breakthrough cases of the coronavirus after being vaccinated and a guitar tech for the group reportedly died.

"You are not allowed to infect anybody just because you think you've got rights that are delusional," Simmons, 72, said.
"You don't have the right to go through a red light — actually the government has the right to tell you to stop," he continued.
"If they tell you you can't smoke in a building, you can't smoke in a building. And that's not because they want to take away your rights — that's because the rest of us hate it. We don't want to smell your smoke."

"I don't want to catch your disease," Simmons added. "I don't want to risk my life just because you want to go through a red light. This whole idea, this delusional, evil idea that you get to do whatever you want and the rest of the world be damned is really terrible."
Simmons shredded both Democrats and Republicans as "evil" for spreading what he described as "all kinds of nonsense."
"I don't like either one of them. Politics are the enemy. Humanism and humanity is what we should all be concerned about. Love thy neighbor as thyself," Simmons said.

"For God's sakes, if I'm going to yawn in your presence, I'm going to put my hand up in front of my mouth," he said. "Yawning is not a life threatening event. You having COVID might be a life threatening event, and I don't want to catch it."

I love it. Gene is the man. He says it how he sees it. Sometimes he's wrong but not this time.

Gene Simmons for President 2024.

Just think of the campaign posters.

Was at the pediatrician today, oh my that was a scene. Poor kid passed out before even getting in. Kids don't like shots.

Shot 1 down for the kid.
kids don't like shots, but they get them...so most kids are more mature than antivaxxers....maybe if we start promising the antivaxxers a lollipop after they get their shot, they'll put their big person panties on and grow the fuck up
Was at the pediatrician today, oh my that was a scene. Poor kid passed out before even getting in. Kids don't like shots.

Shot 1 down for the kid.

I remember back in grade school when we would all line up in the gymnasium for vaccinations. Kids crying everywhere and me with a smile on my face trying to act tough. I never cried but inside I was probably as nervous as those that did.

This was before all the anti-vaxxers. People used to believe in science. Many have now turned it into a political stance. It's as if Republicans have decided that science is something made up by Democrats.
We have lots of people living in campers around the city, generally they aren't welcome and it winds up being pretty close to having a homeless camp outside your place.

Snapped these earlier this week, they were still there today.

They are not afraid of needles...

Like refusing orders, vaccines are in the enlistment contract.

Navy sailors who refuse COVID-19 vaccine will be discharged, face other administrative actions

Emma Colton
Tue, November 16, 2021, 12:42 PM
U.S. Navy sailors who refuse to comply with the coronavirus vaccine mandate will be discharged and could face other administrative actions.

"In order to ensure a fully vaccinated force, U.S. Navy policy is to process for separation all Navy service members who refuse the lawful order to receive the COVID-19 vaccination and do not have an approved exemption," the NAVADMIN said in a statement Monday.

The COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority, led by Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell Jr. and Chief of Naval Reserve Vice Adm. John Mustin, will also separate sailors who fail to get the vaccine. Sailors who don’t comply and are only separated for refusing the vaccine could receive as low as a general discharge under honorable conditions, Navy Times reported.

Active-duty sailors had until Nov. 14 to get their last dose of the vaccine, in order to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 28. Members of the Navy Reserve have until Dec. 14 to get their last dose of the vaccine.

Sailors who reject the vaccine could also lose education benefits, promotions and bonus pay...
Like refusing orders, vaccines are in the enlistment contract.

Navy sailors who refuse COVID-19 vaccine will be discharged, face other administrative actions

Emma Colton
Tue, November 16, 2021, 12:42 PM
U.S. Navy sailors who refuse to comply with the coronavirus vaccine mandate will be discharged and could face other administrative actions.

"In order to ensure a fully vaccinated force, U.S. Navy policy is to process for separation all Navy service members who refuse the lawful order to receive the COVID-19 vaccination and do not have an approved exemption," the NAVADMIN said in a statement Monday.

The COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority, led by Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell Jr. and Chief of Naval Reserve Vice Adm. John Mustin, will also separate sailors who fail to get the vaccine. Sailors who don’t comply and are only separated for refusing the vaccine could receive as low as a general discharge under honorable conditions, Navy Times reported.

Active-duty sailors had until Nov. 14 to get their last dose of the vaccine, in order to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 28. Members of the Navy Reserve have until Dec. 14 to get their last dose of the vaccine.

Sailors who reject the vaccine could also lose education benefits, promotions and bonus pay...
good, they joined the U.S. Armed Services, signed the papers, and are now refusing orders... they deserve whatever happens to personnel who repeatedly refuse lawful orders, no matter what branch of the service they're in...at this point i have to look at it like a good thing..anyone still refusing the vaccine is probably a trumptard republican, and we don't need to be teaching them how to do anything except pull their heads out of their asses...i see these people as future enemies of the people, and the constitution, and we don't need to be teaching them how to be better enemies
The wife and I got our boosters this morning. Arm is a little sore, but I'm good to go out among the untouchables for six more months.

You do your own paperwork, so where it ask the reason I marked under 65 but in an at risk workplace. That was a little more true before I cut back to one day a week, but still slightly true.
Like refusing orders, vaccines are in the enlistment contract.

Navy sailors who refuse COVID-19 vaccine will be discharged, face other administrative actions

Emma Colton
Tue, November 16, 2021, 12:42 PM
U.S. Navy sailors who refuse to comply with the coronavirus vaccine mandate will be discharged and could face other administrative actions.

"In order to ensure a fully vaccinated force, U.S. Navy policy is to process for separation all Navy service members who refuse the lawful order to receive the COVID-19 vaccination and do not have an approved exemption," the NAVADMIN said in a statement Monday.

The COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority, led by Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell Jr. and Chief of Naval Reserve Vice Adm. John Mustin, will also separate sailors who fail to get the vaccine. Sailors who don’t comply and are only separated for refusing the vaccine could receive as low as a general discharge under honorable conditions, Navy Times reported.

Active-duty sailors had until Nov. 14 to get their last dose of the vaccine, in order to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 28. Members of the Navy Reserve have until Dec. 14 to get their last dose of the vaccine.

Sailors who reject the vaccine could also lose education benefits, promotions and bonus pay...

This is a given. You are government property and are subject to UCMJ.

Hell in boot camp you are taken through a literal cattle line of vaccines. Topped off with the peanut butter shot.