Fox Trolling Biden.

Chris Hayes just showed the Fox clip on this. It is just straight up edited out the middle of Biden saying 'negro' and cuts out the middle part where he says 'negro league pitcher'. It is so ridiculous that Biden's hand just disappears from the clip where it is edited.
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Overall, President Biden’s speech on Veterans Day was unremarkable. Presidents give solemn speeches with regularity, and the content is generally pretty predictable.
And yet a controversy erupted anyway, pulled from the wispy ether like magic.

The tumult centers on this passage:
“I’ve adopted the attitude of the great Negro — at the time, pitcher in the Negro Leagues, went on to become a great pitcher in the pros, in the — Major League Baseball after Jackie Robinson,” Biden said. “His name was Satchel Paige.”
You can hear the speech at, if you’d like. The dashes in the above transcript capture brief pauses when Biden redirected his comments.
What’s the controversy? Well, let’s let the right-wing personality Benny Johnson explain.

BIDEN: "I've adopted the attitude of the great negro at the time... his name was Satchel Paige."
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) November 11, 2021

You’ll notice the difference between how I presented the comments and how Johnson did. In his version, “negro” is not capitalized — because Johnson is pretending it’s not an obvious reference to the “Negro Leagues,” a professional baseball league for Black players that existed about a century ago. In fact, his tweet willfully skips over that clarification, burying it in an ellipsis. It’s obvious that Biden was going to describe Paige as a great Negro Leagues pitcher (which he was) before clarifying that he was also great in the major leagues. But that’s not how Johnson characterized it.

These things happen with some regularity. Comments are misinterpreted, often willfully, to make someone look bad. Generally, we might assume that an obviously misleading interpretation like the one above would simply flash and then fizzle out.
But this one did not.

It was featured on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program, as reporter Aaron Rupar pointed out. Hannity described the comments as Biden having “one of his most disturbing, troubling moments to date.” On Friday morning, “Fox & Friends” picked it up, showing a clip that cut out the reference to the Negro Leagues entirely. In that snippet, Biden was shown saying, “I’ve adopted the attitude of the great Negro at the time, pitcher … his name was Satchel Paige.”

“Biden’s choice of words while referencing Hall of Fame pitcher Satchel Paige,” the show’s host claimed, “landing him in hot water” — as though it wasn’t Fox’s choice of the words it aired that was the problem. There was some outcry and criticism from elsewhere in the media world, but Fox was undeterred. Later Friday, the network ran the story again, showing a full clip as a host invited viewers to “cringe” along with her.

It’s useful to consider why the network and others on the right are investing in this particular narrative. It comes down to one of the central debates in politics at the moment, the interplay of partisanship and race.

There is a sense among many conservatives that the political left is constantly attacking them as racist. The reasons for this are myriad and complicated, rooted to some extent in the overlap of race and partisanship (most Black Americans are Democrats) and in a sense that reevaluations of America’s history through the lens of race are implicitly (or explicitly) about criticizing White Americans. Polling has repeatedly shown that Republicans and, in particular, Trump supporters perceive White Americans as subject to discrimination at rates equal to or larger than minority groups. Many on the right believe that the left sees accusations of racism as a political trump card and deploys them to that effect.

At the same time, there’s a popular narrative on the right that insists that Democrats are the party of racism. After all, Abraham Lincoln was the Republican president who signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Southern Democrats were the driving force behind segregation and, often, anti-Black violence 100 years ago. That there was a dramatic and public move by segregationists away from Democrats during the civil rights era is generally ignored; the more useful story casts the political left as the then-and-now purveyors of racial discrimination.

In a radio interview last week, former House speaker Newt Gingrich made exactly this point.

“The Democrats have moved from anti-Black racism to anti-White racism,” he said.

To a large extent, this is also a function of the enthusiastic deployment of whataboutism in current political discussions. During Donald Trump’s presidency, a common refrain in his defense was to contrast his actions and statements with cherry-picked examples of others: What about what Barack Obama did?? So, as the presidential contest between Biden and Trump unfolded last year in front of the backdrop of racial tensions, Trump allies and Biden opponents worked to define Biden as a racist. It could be useful to mute criticisms of Trump, sure — What about what Biden said?? — but it also helped reinforce the idea that Democrats were hypocrites on race who used claims of racism opportunistically.

This is why the “Negro” allegation gained traction. The hashtag #RacistJoeBiden was trending on Twitter by early Friday afternoon. Some commenters on social media described Biden’s speech as having used the “n-word,” suggesting that a term once commonly used to refer to Black Americans — a descriptor that was in use in the Census Bureau’s racial categories as recently as 2010 — was equivalent to a historically racist slur. By pretending that Biden was calling Paige a “Negro,” though, they could pretend that Biden was revealing a secret bias against Black Americans, both for him and his party.

Oddly, some defenders of Fox News’s coverage tried to compare it to coverage of Trump’s “covfefe” tweet, a late-night typo that Trump later pretended was intentional. Covfefe did, in fact, elicit undue media attention. But the point here is that Fox et al are trying to claim that Biden’s speaking error wasn’t an error at all — precisely the opposite of the covfefe situation.

One of the hallmarks of Biden’s career in politics is that he is in fact prone to gaffes.
This isn’t one of them. It is, instead, a run-of-the-mill speech in which an obvious transition in thought has been elevated to the level of scandal to put points on the board for the red team. We learn nothing new about Biden from this pseudo-debate. We do, however, learn something about his critics.
Chris Hayes just showed the Fox clip on this. It is just straight up edited out the middle of Biden saying 'negro' and cuts out the middle part where he says 'negro league pitcher'. It is so ridiculous that Biden's hand just disappears from the clip where it is edited.
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It is amazing how far they will go to denigrate someone with a stutter.
Looks like it is not just Fox. At least for the run up to the last elections.
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A sampling of headlines atop the influential Politico Playbook newsletter over the past month:

“Let the Democratic freakout begin.”

“Dems start to face the hard questions.”

“Does the WH owe Larry Summers an apology?”

“The other big intra-Democratic fight.”

“No BIF bump for Biden.”

“White House braces for a bad CBO score.”

“ … Biden dithers …”

“Biden tries to calm nerves about 2024.”

“The case for why Biden is screwed.”

Even the extraordinary news that jobless claims had dropped to the lowest level in 52 years came with a qualifier: “BUT, BUT, BUT … don’t expect [the numbers] to immediately change Americans’ negative perceptions of the economy.”

It isn’t just Politico. My impression of other outlets’ coverage of President Biden had been much the same: unrelentingly negative.
Was it my imagination?

No, it wasn’t.

Artificial intelligence can now measure the negativity with precision. At my request,, a data analytics unit of the information company FiscalNote, combed through more than 200,000 articles — tens of millions of words — from 65 news websites (newspapers, network and cable news, political publications, news wires and more) to do a “sentiment analysis” of coverage. Using algorithms that give weight to certain adjectives based on their placement in the story, it rated the coverage Biden received in the first 11 months of 2021 and the coverage President Donald Trump got in the first 11 months of 2020.

The findings, painstakingly assembled by FiscalNote vice president Bill Frischling, confirmed my fear: My colleagues in the media are serving as accessories to the murder of democracy.

After a honeymoon of slightly positive coverage in the first three months of the year, Biden’s press for the past four months has been as bad as — and for a time worse than — the coverage Trump received for the same four months of 2020.

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Think about that. In 2020, Trump presided over a worst-in-world pandemic response that caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths; held a superspreader event at the White House and got covid-19 himself; praised QAnon adherents; embraced violent white supremacists; waged a racist campaign against Black Lives Matter demonstrators; attempted to discredit mail-in voting; and refused to accept his defeat in a free and fair election, leading eventually to the violence of Jan. 6 and causing tens of millions to accept the “big lie,” the worst of more than 30,000 he told in office.

And yet Trump got press coverage as favorable as, or better than, Biden is getting today. Sure, Biden has had his troubles, with the delta variant, Afghanistan and inflation. But the economy is rebounding impressively, he has signed major legislation, and he has restored some measure of decency, calm and respect for democratic institutions.

We need a skeptical, independent press. But how about being partisans for democracy? The country is in an existential struggle between self-governance and an authoritarian alternative. And we in the news media, collectively, have given equal, if not slightly more favorable, treatment to the authoritarians.

Sentiment analysis ranks coverage from entirely negative (-1.0) to entirely positive (1.0), and most outlets are in a relatively tight band between -0.1 and 0.1. Overall, Biden was slightly positive or neutral for seven months, ranging from 0.02 to -0.01. That plummeted to -0.07 in August — a lower number than Trump hit in all of 2020 (or 2019) — and has been between -0.04 and -0.03 ever since. Trump never left a narrow range of -0.03 to -0.04. (The data set doesn’t go far enough back to make a comparison to Trump’s first year in office.)

Also noteworthy: Trump got roughly twice as much coverage in 2020 as Biden has received in 2021. And the coverage of Biden is noticeably more negative than the tone of news coverage overall. Predictably, Breitbart and the New York Post are among the most negative outlets, but even liberal ones such as HuffPost and Salon have been negative. (The Post was the closest to neutral, at 0.0006.)

How to explain why Biden would be treated more harshly than a president who actively subverted democracy? Perhaps journalists, pressured by Trump’s complaints about the press, pulled punches. Perhaps media outlets, after losing the readership and viewership Trump brought, think tough coverage will generate interest.

I suspect my peers across the media have fallen victim to our asymmetric politics. Biden governs under traditional norms, while Republicans run a shocking campaign to delegitimize him with one fabricated charge after another. This week, Republicans threatened a government shutdown to block Biden’s vaccine mandates, after a year of efforts to discourage vaccination. Yet, incredibly, they’re simultaneously blaming Biden for coronavirus deaths — deaths occurring almost entirely among the unvaccinated.
“More people have died of covid under President Biden than did in all of 2020,” proclaimed Sen. John Barrasso (Wyo.), GOP conference chairman.

As Biden might say: C’mon, man.

Too many journalists are caught in a mindless neutrality between democracy and its saboteurs, between fact and fiction. It’s time to take a stand.
That was wonderful, same with his reply to that stupid let's go Brandon thing on the Xmas call.

I would point at that as the strongest counterpoint to the Biden dementia/senile claims. If your 80 years old and can fire back a solid shot, off the cuff, to someone being a dick, I think your brain is working fine.
Fox News Lies Debunked: Viewers Know Less Than If They Watched No News At All

President Biden recently revived a debate over Fox News by comparing it to other legitimate news outlets. In this special report, Ari Melber shows the “equivalence” push by some politicians is dangerous by delving into research showing Fox often misleads and misinforms its viewers on critical issues, like the pandemic, climate change, the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 insurrection.