recipe? If it's good that is

I love that shit...except it does a number on your teeth. I remember we sold cans of it in 5th grade, and well, I bought a few for sugar self control was always weak!
TGIF, it was retail therapy day
a live poinsettia....some lime for my girls, a replacement hearing aid(

thieves), some fresh 91% alcohol so I can clean my rigs,, and even a new Yankee candle. Did returns at Lowes and Home Depot and grabbed a pizza for lunch!
My veg plants I transplanted a week ago are all in lockout...I thought it was a mild potassium or magnesium deficiency...Nope, the soil is too freaking hot! Not terrible but my ph is like 5ish, so I just limed em up good, and hit them with some ArmorSi. Fingers crossed I didn't mess em up too bad.
Did someone say crank up the press, it's FRYDAY?????