Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

No need to. I don’t hunt animals, nor get myself into shady situations that warrants needing a gun over my hands.
^^^^^convicted pedophile

Sir, You're projecting. Pathetic.

Not to mention, you love guns. Without guns, most of the confiscatory and totalitarian policies you advocate for couldn't be implemented.

If people were guns, I think you might be a derringer. Small, not powerful, with a tiny barrel.

imagine staying at your fucking house during a curfew instead of taking a rifle you aren't supposed to have to a town you don't live in to protect a place no one asked you to protect....

i somehow doubt it was the same officers...
if you don't have insurance, or a drivers license, and you go out driving and get into an accident, it's YOUR FAULT. you shouldn't have been operating the vehicle to begin with, so even if someone slams into you on purpose, you are still at fault.....this is the same kind of situation. he shouldn't have had that weapon. he shouldn't have operated a vehicle. he shouldn't have been out during a curfew. he shouldn't have been pretending to be g.i. joe...and all of that makes him guilty in the same way operating a vehicle without insurance or a license makes you guilty, before you look at morality or intent.

Your obedience to malum prohibitum is frightening. No offense, but are you having a bad reaction to leather from licking the boots of your masters? It seems like you are using "legal and illegal" as synonymous with right and wrong.

Using your "logic" a slave shouldn't have runaway and it was the slaves fault if he got beat upon his capture, because running away was illegal and that makes it the slave's fault for breaking the stupid law.

Slaves had curfews too. Coincidence?
Your obedience to malum prohibitum is frightening. No offense, but are you having a bad reaction to leather from licking the boots of your masters? It seems like you are using "legal and illegal" as synonymous with right and wrong.

Using your "logic" a slave shouldn't have runaway and it was the slaves fault if he got beat upon his capture, because running away was illegal and that makes it the slave's fault for breaking the stupid law.

Slaves had curfews too. Coincidence?
no, that's ok, offend me, i do my best to offend you every time i take you off of ignore for a few deserve to be offended, and i can take what i dish out..
"malum prohibidum" means you are following the law, which is what most people try to do, even though they fail from time to time. a lot of things that are against the law aren't evil, but they're still against the law, for many reasons. is it evil to jay walk? no, just really fucking stupid... logic doesn't make it ok to have a slave to begin with, although you seem to be fine with there goes that specious argument...
slaves had a permanent curfew, that never ended...rittenhouse was under a temporary curfew that was only for the duration of the it is interesting to see what kind of leaps you can make to connect unrelated should take up parkeur, you ought to be quite good at it with all the practice you get here
oh, and i don't lick anyone's boots, you pedophile racist fuck
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Oh I think the tears were real, his lawyer probably told him, "when you need to cry on cue, just imagine the state of your butthole next year if you're convicted." Anyone watch Shameless? This reminds me of the episode when Chucky gets sent to juvie, so his mom tatoos a swastica on his forehead.
lmao I seen that. Thinking same shit. I would cry to knowing my butthole gonna be hurting. He better keister some ghost peppers up his butt so they won’t do it but one time to him
no, that's ok, offend me, i do my best to offend you every time i take you off of ignore for a few deserve to be offended, and i can take what i dish out..
"malum prohibidum" means you are following the law, which is what most people try to do, even though they fail from time to time. a lot of things that are against the law aren't evil, but they're still against the law, for many reasons. is it evil to jay walk? no, just really fucking stupid... logic doesn't make it ok to have a slave to begin with, although you seem to be fine with there goes that specious argument...
slaves had a permanent curfew, that never ended...rittenhouse was under a temporary curfew that was only for the duration of the it is interesting to see what kind of leaps you can make to connect unrelated should take up parkeur, you ought to be quite good at it with all the practice you get here
oh, and i don't lick anyone's boots, you pedophile racist fuck

So you blame the slave then? Thought so.

If your logic doesn't make it okay to have a slave to begin with, how could any "equal person" (your masters) order another person into a curfew ?
You are for slavery and embrace the idea that there are masters which must be obeyed and you shouldn't cry so hard when it's pointed out.

Malum prohibitum means. a law which is based in "because I say so and not based in an actual harm being done".

When I said you lick boots, I meant that figuratively, but I think your tears and disregard for logic might be real.
So you blame the slave then? Thought so.

If your logic doesn't make it okay to have a slave to begin with, how could any "equal person" (your masters) order another person into a curfew ?
You are for slavery and embrace the idea that there are masters which must be obeyed and you shouldn't cry so hard when it's pointed out.

Malum prohibitum means. a law which is based in "because I say so and not based in an actual harm being done".

When I said you lick boots, I meant that figuratively, but I think your tears and disregard for logic might be real.
^^ 60,000 years behind the times.
Dude shouldn’t have been running around with a gun at 17years of age. That’s the first and primary problem, IMO.

However, I don’t doubt dude feared for his life. I don’t doubt he was being chased down because of his big gun. Ole boy was being chased and potentially killed, and he acted first. He didn’t snipe random joes from a distance…..

Dudes innocent, IMO. Wrong to kill people. Wrong to run around at 17 with a large gun, but dude was chased and assaulted. He fired some shots in defense and unfortunately people died.
Imma shoot you in the back in self defense
^^ 60,000 years behind the times.

So what you're saying is commonly practiced contradiction can become not contradiction if enough people practice and embrace the contradiction ?

Let's just vote a snowstorm not to happen "logic" is what you are referring to?

A person ordering another person to do something on property the ordering person doesn't own. like a curfew, is behaving as if they are the ordered persons master, slave.

I order you to stop thinking common practice validates illogical things as logical. slave!
So what you're saying is commonly practiced contradiction can become not contradiction if enough people practice and embrace the contradiction ?

Let's just vote a snowstorm not to happen "logic" is what you are referring to?

A person ordering another person to do something on property the ordering person doesn't own. like a curfew, is behaving as if they are the ordered persons master, slave.

I order you to stop thinking common practice validates illogical things as logical. slave!