Ph pen madness

Well I have to make an admission also, I didn't used to take care of it. It can take a beating for sure, but I go thru less probes if I clean it and store it properly.
That's why I love my Bluelab so much. She's taken a beating from me and keeps on calibrating and reading fast and accurate. I have to say the Oakton was also accurate just slow. I've looked at the Apera products and they look very nice, as an aside they have a really sharp looking DO meter, but when I finally manage to kill my Bluelab I'm getting another.
That's why I love my Bluelab so much. She's taken a beating from me and keeps on calibrating and reading fast and accurate. I have to say the Oakton was also accurate just slow. I've looked at the Apera products and they look very nice, as an aside they have a really sharp looking DO meter, but when I finally manage to kill my Bluelab I'm getting another.
I wonder what the fastest probe to give a reading is, has anybody raced the Bluelab against the Apera? They both about 20-30 seconds to go from reading the storage solution to final reading on the res, I've only used the Aperas?

Even with a good meter, having some test drops is a good sanity check. The drops are both fast, accurate, consitent, and never need calibration.
Its easy to discern 0.1 pH by the color.

I have a nice pH meter, calibration and storage solutions, but use the drops 90% of the time.
i've used the same nutes for so long i don't really need the meter any more, i add my nutes, add 8 ml ph down, then wait about 20 minutes and check them just...because ...99% of the time i'm sitting between 5.95 and 6.1, which is where i want it to be in coco...there is a day about once a month when they must do something at the water plant, and i'll have to add about 2 more ml of ph down, because i'll still be sitting a little above 6.2