Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

imagine staying at your fucking house during a curfew instead of taking a rifle you aren't supposed to have to a town you don't live in to protect a place no one asked you to protect....
Imagine all those piece of shit fucks looting a working mans businesses just to be… what’s the word. Can’t say the word. Who loot and steals? Those fuckers are as worthless as you all claim me to be
Imagine all those piece of shit fucks looting a working mans businesses just to be… what’s the word. Can’t say the word. Who loot and steals? Those fuckers are as worthless as you all claim me to be
You mean the ones Rittenhouse was hanging out with?

Imagine all those piece of shit fucks looting a working mans businesses just to be… what’s the word. Can’t say the word. Who loot and steals? Those fuckers are as worthless as you all claim me to be
why should i imagine that? i wouldn't arm myself and go into a riot zone, that's what the police are for...the same police that told people to stay the fuck at the house....
you seem to have this vigilante one needs you, or needed him, to do anything except follow the rules...the rule at that moment was "stay at the fucking house" no way can you get "arm yourself with an illegal weapon, drive to a different town with no drivers license, and pretend you're a cop" out of "there's a curfew in effect, stay away"
The same police that killed George Floyd begging for his life? Yeah. Trust those fuckers.
i somehow doubt it was the same officers...
if you don't have insurance, or a drivers license, and you go out driving and get into an accident, it's YOUR FAULT. you shouldn't have been operating the vehicle to begin with, so even if someone slams into you on purpose, you are still at fault.....this is the same kind of situation. he shouldn't have had that weapon. he shouldn't have operated a vehicle. he shouldn't have been out during a curfew. he shouldn't have been pretending to be g.i. joe...and all of that makes him guilty in the same way operating a vehicle without insurance or a license makes you guilty, before you look at morality or intent.
Dude shouldn’t have been running around with a gun at 17years of age. That’s the first and primary problem, IMO.

However, I don’t doubt dude feared for his life. I don’t doubt he was being chased down because of his big gun. Ole boy was being chased and potentially killed, and he acted first. He didn’t snipe random joes from a distance…..

Dudes innocent, IMO. Wrong to kill people. Wrong to run around at 17 with a large gun, but dude was chased and assaulted. He fired some shots in defense and unfortunately people died.
I can understand people making snap decisions based upon their own personal biases. We all do that. Also who can say from the stuff available online what exactly went down? I'm trying push my biases aside and just look at what we can know for certain.

After he shot those people, he volunteered and was asked to call 911. He didn't call 911. Instead he called a friend and told him that he just shot someone. After confirming to his friend that he knew he had shot people, he walked toward some cops and after saying something to them, he kept on walking. He had just shot three people. If he were innocent, why did he flee the scene? He then got into a car and drove across state lines. He was arrested the next day as a fugitive from justice. Those actions don't seem very innocent. In fact, it's exactly what a guilty person would do. This doesn't prove guilt but it makes me wonder why people like you are so quick to declare him innocent? Why would an innocent person who was just defending himself run away and hide like that?

Also, he shot a guy in the back. That's not exactly a sign that he fired in self defense. Looking at these objective facts, I can't help but wonder why so many people are jumping to the conclusion of his innocence.
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He'll walk.
My moneys on a miss trial due to prosecutors bringing in evidence that they were told not too. Personally think his cry fit was he nows what happens to young white boys in prison. He should hire someone to get hard for prison if by chance he goes
that is no lie. Cried like my 3 year old grand daughter does when she doesn’t get her way and can tell it’s a big fake cry
Oh I think the tears were real, his lawyer probably told him, "when you need to cry on cue, just imagine the state of your butthole next year if you're convicted." Anyone watch Shameless? This reminds me of the episode when Chucky gets sent to juvie, so his mom tatoos a swastica on his forehead.
Wow 74 pages of convoluted bullshit about how he was defending himself from an attacking mob of pedophiles and looters yet he put himself there, illegally, untrained and bent on showing off his manly AR, a small weapon according to one imbecile :o! This after it turns out he is a white power dick head with an enabling cow for a mom. MAGA
Oh ya forgot he likes to beat on women too, yup a fucking role model he is, captain fucking America :(.
This case is a small window into the fucked up gun laws and how hard dumb people will fight to keep them fucked up :(.

Except in the USA, the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed. Laws which violate a right are null and void.

Are you just mad because the video shows Rittenhouse running away from conflict and among the people chasing him (trying to kill him?) is a clown with a pistol who got his arm blown apart when he tried to attack Rittenhouse ?

You do admit that the attackers are the ones chasing Rittenhouse right ?

Speaking of dumb people...Is it your position that a person being pursued by an armed gang should never fight back once he's attacked?