Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

There was a point in the testimony by the kid killer that he said he dropped the fire extinguisher and his shoulder came up, but didn't bring up his gun. This was during the time that the defense pulled their 'cant pinch on iPad' nonsense. This is the picture that came out towards the end of today in the trial. Im looking forward to seeing how this goes for the radicalized idiot (not that I think it will change much at the end of the day unfortunately).

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Fucking imbecile doesn't know it’s bullet weight yet laughed at the thought of training before a gun purchase. This is an amazing portrait of all things wrong with gun ownership in the US. I honestly think his gun of choice is the one he gets to upgrade too by buying extra credits on mom’s credit card.
Dude shouldn’t have been running around with a gun at 17years of age. That’s the first and primary problem, IMO.

However, I don’t doubt dude feared for his life. I don’t doubt he was being chased down because of his big gun. Ole boy was being chased and potentially killed, and he acted first. He didn’t snipe random joes from a distance…..

Dudes innocent, IMO. Wrong to kill people. Wrong to run around at 17 with a large gun, but dude was chased and assaulted. He fired some shots in defense and unfortunately people died.
Dude shouldn’t have been running around with a gun at 17years of age. That’s the first and primary problem, IMO.

However, I don’t doubt dude feared for his life. I don’t doubt he was being chased down because of his big gun. Ole boy was being chased and potentially killed, and he acted first. He didn’t snipe random joes from a distance…..

Dudes innocent, IMO. Wrong to kill people. Wrong to run around at 17 with a large gun, but dude was chased and assaulted. He fired some shots in defense and unfortunately people died.
Innocent is the ones like him who stayed home to play fortnight
Not him
You think your gun rights supercede my right to life.
My gun rights? I’ve never owned a firearm. I don’t hunt animals for food, so I don’t need one.

If you need a gun for “self defense” you ought to take up some form of hand to hand combat training. Aka mixed martial arts or Brazilian jiu jitsu or even freestyle wrestling. With very minor training it’s not hard to mitigate a one on one threat and take a man to the ground and choke them unconscious until help arrives. 6 months of training and you can easily best the average human.
Show me where he only shot a man in the back. You talking about the four shots when dude lunged at the barrel of his weapon? One shot to the hand, one to the abdomen, and as dude was falling, one hit his head and back? The four shot sequence?
Rittenhouse fired four times at Rosenbaum, shooting him in the groin, the hand and thigh, the head, and his back.

why would you fire at somebody's back? it's not full auto. he squeezed the trigger while it was pointed at his back
Rittenhouse fired four times at Rosenbaum, shooting him in the groin, the hand and thigh, the head, and his back.

why would you fire at somebody's back? it's not full auto. he squeezed the trigger while it was pointed at his back
When you’re popping off five rounds and a man is, I guess falling without control….. I imagine rittenhouse clicked clicked clicked that trigger, you think he aimed for the hand thigh and groin?

nah. He just aimed for his head and… back….. ok.
But what if you are driving across state lines (without a drivers license) hanging out with the ones burning down the town and then kill someone who lives there with your illegally purchased gun?
That’s the problem, as I said. Dude wasn’t old enough to own a gun. Carry a gun. Cross state lines with a gun. That’s the main problem.

If guy was 18, being chased and threatened, beaten with a skateboard, and another man running up with a pistol…. What would you do? Just wait to die? That’s…. A wanker thought.
If my town I worked in and earned my
money in was being burned down and looted….. I wouldn’t stay inside playing fortnite like a bitch.

Are you a minor? Did you talk your buddy into straw purchasing a firearm for you? Do you have no idea what hollow points are? Do you have zero firearm training, or security training, or self-defense training, or crowd control training? If your answer to all questions are "no", then you may be qualified as a "kyle".