Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

I was curious if it was the shooting of his arm that put the gun towards Rittenhouse, it really does look like it is why the gun ended up pointed at him was the bullet tearing through his arm.
too bad the idiot already said in plain english that he had his illegally possessed .40 caliber pistol (bigger than the rounds in Kyles scary MACHINE GUN!!!) pointed at a a minor who fell after being struck, BEFORE his dumb ass was shot.

Court cases are judged based upon evidence and testimony genius, not what you think "it really does look like" lmfao.
too bad the idiot already said in plain english that he had his illegally possessed .40 caliber pistol (bigger than the rounds in Kyles scary MACHINE GUN!!!) pointed at a a minor who fell after being struck, BEFORE his dumb ass was shot.

Court cases are judged based upon evidence and testimony genius, not what you think "it really does look like" lmfao.
Speaking of character
I find it odd you keep defending a literal white nationalist
Maybe there is more than your fear of pedos motivating you
too bad the idiot already said in plain english that he had his illegally possessed .40 caliber pistol (bigger than the rounds in Kyles scary MACHINE GUN!!!) pointed at a a minor who fell after being struck, BEFORE his dumb ass was shot.

Court cases are judged based upon evidence and testimony genius, not what you think "it really does look like" lmfao.
Are you so desperate to be a troll that you think I was trying to get something admitted into evidence?
too bad the idiot already said in plain english that he had his illegally possessed .40 caliber pistol (bigger than the rounds in Kyles scary MACHINE GUN!!!) pointed at a a minor who fell after being struck, BEFORE his dumb ass was shot.

Court cases are judged based upon evidence and testimony genius, not what you think "it really does look like" lmfao.

Had bicep guy killed kyle, he'd probably face the same charge that kyle is facing.
Speaking of character
I find it odd you keep defending a literal white nationalist
Maybe there is more than your fear of pedos motivating you
Screen Shot 2021-11-11 at 1.08.02 PM.png

regardless of what happens, this kid's life is fucked forever.
Maybe. He could also end up selling t-shirts for the right wing hate mongers.

it's a rightie site.

Yeah they might as well called Alex Jones.
too bad the idiot already said in plain english that he had his illegally possessed .40 caliber pistol (bigger than the rounds in Kyles scary MACHINE GUN!!!) pointed at a a minor who fell after being struck, BEFORE his dumb ass was shot.

Court cases are judged based upon evidence and testimony genius, not what you think "it really does look like" lmfao.
ever gonna post a full joe biden speech, smart guy
These idiots with guns are such snowflakes that they need to kill someone by shooting them 4 times with a AR when they feel 'threatened'. It is just sad how big of pussies these LARP'ers have gotten.
A right wing supremacist's statement to claim killing somebody in self defense: "I shot him because I got scared"

They need blinders to prevent them from going homicidal. A plastic bag or a tub of popcorn are all that is needed to scare them into killing someone. But it doesn't end there. Right wing radicals gather around him to protect and celebrate the murderer. It's a death cult.
The kid doesn't know what hollow points do, because he says he's not an expert on ammunition. He says he doesn't know how far away someone is, because he's not an expert at measuring things. Those are just basic things you learn in life, but yeah, that's who rednecks want treating people and providing armed security.
By your failed logic, the rounds in a .25acp are "bigger" than the rounds in an AR15
oh? how so? please elaborate. nothing about .25 acp is bigger. not the grain count nor the projectile weight nor the muzzle velocity. educate yourself and try again. id love to accidentally teach you something about firearms.
oh? how so? please elaborate. nothing about .25 acp is bigger. not the grain count nor the projectile weight nor the muzzle velocity. educate yourself and try again. id love to accidentally teach you something about firearms.

Nothing? You sure you're not the one needing education amidst your emo redneck threats...?