
Unfortunately captive breeding is the only hope for some species survival.

I've never understood why people are so concerned with certain species' survival. I see that some species are vital to the ecology, like pollinators and such. But 99.999% of species that have ever existed on this planet have gone extinct, and the ecology just seems to fill in those gaps smoothly. It just seems like human preference to save a chosen few, perhaps because we find them cute? I'm not sure...
I've never understood why people are so concerned with certain species' survival. I see that some species are vital to the ecology, like pollinators and such. But 99.999% of species that have ever existed on this planet have gone extinct, and the ecology just seems to fill in those gaps smoothly. It just seems like human preference to save a chosen few, perhaps because we find them cute? I'm not sure...
The brown bat is on the decline in New England due to a disease. It'd be nice to see them back to help out with mosquitoes and blackflies...
The brown bat is on the decline in New England due to a disease. It'd be nice to see them back to help out with mosquitoes and blackflies...

They sound important, is there a big effort to save that species? I'm guessing that if they went extinct, another species would step up to take advantage of the surplus insect bonanza? That's usually how these things go.
They sound important, is there a big effort to save that species? I'm guessing that if they went extinct, another species would step up to take advantage of the surplus insect bonanza? That's usually how these things go.
Im not sure. It's a nose fungus found in bat habitats that's harming them. White nose disease/fungus found in damp caves. Out of 8 Maine species of bats, 5 are in danger of this. Yes, birds eat bugs and may help out in that regards during daylight, but bats hunt at night ( the biggest nocturnal predator of insects) so that might be problematic if there's no nighttime hunting? Just from my own personal experience, I live in a heavily wooded area and I never see bats swooping around.
I really dont know if there's anything they can do for them.
I've never understood why people are so concerned with certain species' survival. I see that some species are vital to the ecology, like pollinators and such. But 99.999% of species that have ever existed on this planet have gone extinct, and the ecology just seems to fill in those gaps smoothly. It just seems like human preference to save a chosen few, perhaps because we find them cute? I'm not sure...
i think it's because it happened at the rate of evolution before we stepped in and accelerated the process by about 1000 there are no new species adapted to that niche, which could potentially cause a cascade of problems...for want of a predator species, the invasive insects kill the pollinators in a broad area....
Isn't he in prison? Or do kinder gentler prisons allow inmates to have pet tigers? ;)

Ding, Ding. (9).gif

'Tiger King' star Joe Exotic says he has aggressive form of cancer

The former zookeeper known as Joe Exotic, the star of "Tiger King" who is serving prison time in a murder-for-hire plot, said Wednesday that he has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer.
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Protease inhibitors to the rescue

and no it's not this:

which is discredited:
I think we have the whole religion thing backwards. Look at what kind of dick god is in the bible. Sending bears to kill children. turnling Lot's wife into salt, global genocide, ordering his followers to kill their children, killing his kid, killing people for complaining about god killing them.

And the entire time the devil is like come chill down here, it's warm.
Hey, not every bear showed up.