
Can I ask why you need them? If your jar has a good seal and your weed is not already overly dry. You should not need such a thing.

In theory your right. But to get the perfect cure it takes weeks if not months of burping jars and checking. Also temperature swings have a huge impact the rh swing as well. So having the two way packs make a HUGE difference.

Here’s what I say…. cigar enthusiasts would never think of not using them with their fine Tabacco so why not use them with an even more valuable consumable
Can I ask why you need them? If your jar has a good seal and your weed is not already overly dry. You should not need such a thing.
Hmmm. I guess that's a personal preference thing. Has much to do with long term storage. It is amazing though that for something I 'really dont need,' millions are sold and indeed, they serve a certain purpose that perhaps involves a level that you have not quite attained yet.
Once I heard that people were washing their buds, dunking them in chemicals and rinsing them, and I thought that was ridiculous, best to have an open mind in my humble opinion.
Hmmm. I guess that's a personal preference thing. Has much to do with long term storage. It is amazing though that for something I 'really dont need,' millions are sold and indeed, they serve a certain purpose that perhaps involves a level that you have not quite attained yet.
Once I heard that people were washing their buds, dunking them in chemicals and rinsing them, and I thought that was ridiculous, best to have an open mind in my humble opinion.
Didn't have to be a dick...but hey here we are. Another day on rollitup. Nothing new.
Hmmm. I guess that's a personal preference thing. Has much to do with long term storage. It is amazing though that for something I 'really dont need,' millions are sold and indeed, they serve a certain purpose that perhaps involves a level that you have not quite attained yet.
Once I heard that people were washing their buds, dunking them in chemicals and rinsing them, and I thought that was ridiculous, best to have an open mind in my humble opinion.
Easy, friend. I'd like to believe the Bovida community is a mellow, kind folk. Unlike those filthy animals in the traditional cure mob.
Easy, friend. I'd like to believe the Bovida community is a mellow, kind folk. Unlike those filthy animals in the traditional cure mob.
And again I apologize. I did take some pretty heavy edibles. I didnt think it was that bad. Sheesh. I've had people in these rooms screaming at me 'I was growing when your mommas momma was still on the teat!'
Which is pretty impossible. :eyesmoke: no I'm not one of those trolls really. This seems to happen when I step out of my home thread and ask for advise.
<bows out gracefully, trips over bamboo bong, exits right>
And again I apologize. I did take some pretty heavy edibles. I didnt think it was that bad. Sheesh. I've had people in these rooms screaming at me 'I was growing when your mommas momma was still on the teat!'
Which is pretty impossible. :eyesmoke: no I'm not one of those trolls really. This seems to happen when I step out of my home thread and ask for advise.
<bows out gracefully, trips over bamboo bong, exits right>
No worries. ✌
Boost is better imo. Many discussions and some think Boveda absorbs some terps, Boost does not.

Their purpose imo is to hold the target. It can be used to center in on it while finishing the drying process i.e. at 65% they will bring them down to 62%, but really once at target they hold it there.

Especially in Winter the benefit is anytime the jar is opened it sets itself back to perfect after a bit.
some think Boveda absorbs some terps
Bro science has reached humidity packs already? Boy it does advance quick in the cannabis community.

I don't know if a specific moisture level is necessary for curing, but if it is, I can't think of anything better right now than Boveda or Integra packs for curing and storing.

It does make more sense to me in the case of tobaccos, where the correct moisture level is quite important. It's also the area for which Bovedas were invented originally.
Bro science has reached humidity packs already? Boy it does advance quick in the cannabis community.

I don't know if a specific moisture level is necessary for curing, but if it is, I can't think of anything better right now than Boveda or Integra packs for curing and storing.

It does make more sense to me in the case of tobaccos, where the correct moisture level is quite important. It's also the area for which Bovedas were invented originally.
Has Boveda ever proven that their packs dont absorb odors? They claim it doesnt but so what?
Has Boveda ever proven that their packs dont absorb odors? They claim it doesnt but so what?
Every time I open a bin my entire house stinks. My non-stoner friend unzipped an oz at his basement apartment for a second to smell it before he took it to his dad's, and the neighbors from two floors above complained. The Boveda could pocket a few terps and I would never know.