Trich porn - How many trichomes glands can you identify with confidence?


Well-Known Member
This is "kief" as sold by Québec's SQdC:
SQdC - CannaFarms B.C. Kief [320x240] .PNG

Please consider posting some trichome glands capture obtained from your own favourite source if possible...


Gross indeed, and it's a rip-off also because of what's missing besides trichome glands normally obvious under a microscope, but that we usually hear instead of see: e.g. the scratching sound, similar to some mix of salt + sugar and a bit of flour as with real shredded dry flowers. Although it proved to be an exceptionally frustrating capture session i recall noticing shapeless (non-spherical) possible sugar-like frost, easy to recognize coloured pistils, calix fragments, lots of trichome stems/tubules (some with copper-tainted gland bases) and even wood.

In short, that felt much the same as doing business with a shy lock before the pawn-shop days.


After drinking 1 comestible powder dose followed by 1 softgel cap, all in vain, i must admit only 2 tokes were required to obtain the expected effects of cannabis anyway - after a full week of abstainance just to account for the initial 2015 "incidental" promises... So, IMO this has something to do with bio-availability while the SQdC is satisfied with displaying raw figures expressed in milligrams.

The inhalation felt less harsh than usual too, but i still got no idea how long a single gram would last if i were back to my usual consumption profile, so i can't decide what's less expensive. Except this actually comes in excessive packaging: it's not as deep inside as it looks outside!

As for taste i can only say it wasn't as neutral as previous SQdC dry flowers sampling, this one has a smell.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Just popped in to see who we should hate today

Maybe that subtle hint shall help, knowing this guy happens to be one major key actor in this whole "légaleezation" thing, since even before Justin Trudeau got elected in 2015:




[ https:// ]
Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits? – L'épicerie (2021-Oct-21)


« Le docteur Didier Jutras-Aswad est chercheur au CHUM, il a aussi collaboré avec le ministère de la santé pour établir le plan de formation des conseillers de la SQdC. »

The video provided unequivocal information about the role actually played at the SQdC by psychiatrist and anti-cannabic activist Didier Jutras-Aswad: they hired him to seek advice, in particular clerks training, but i suspect not only. Just think of him being a TV star at the Halloween (CSAM) addiction symposium on ADDICTION - in a context of cannabis reform - at 1st in October 2016 besides USA haters as Kevin Sabet & Nora Volkow. Plenty of negativism coming from there alone...

So, after putting these peculiar people in charge, any properly informed adult with a sane mind should have understood something was sure to go wrong, failure to account for bio-availability would be one possible consequence, but yet lets not call for hate please.

The bigot prohibitionists never know when it's time to stop, no progress can come from there. Now lets reason what's the problem's root to begin with, and that's MONEY if one asks me!

At least, i remember my 1st hashish purchases immediately caused economical stress eventually threatening to initiate some toxic chain of events. Consequently, at the time i'd have concured with the opinion that greed pushes individuals into domains where they'd rather not go. Most unfortunately the SQdC is a replacement dealer much much worst than the worst crooks i can think of, except it looks good in front of cameras...

Anyway, recently i was having fun with economic scenarios and imagined a situation where it's possible to toke twice every 4 hours even while sleeping, euh... Perhaps i made a mistake at some point but i concluded the cost can get cut quite significantly and yet retain the customer's primary goal wich is to enjoy his cannabis - no prohibitionism tolerated anymore, which doesn't mean the user won't have to manage with a decision to still abuse.

All this must imply a will to initiate one long-term, slow but durable change of society, of course. Which is why politicians choose the opposite direction.

Yet, after Justin's "Légaleezation" i'd plead in favour of "demonetarisation", assuming the primary goal is to keep kids out of trouble, with the difference i'm opposed to infantilisation of parents, kidnapings, etc. Same thing about other predator economies, i'm thinking of coerced "therapy" and beyond.

My strategy is to promote options without imposing unfair trade-offs, like to remove combustion by-products via a transition to vaporisation, for example. And by the way, i suspect one type of "micro-dosing" lifestyle could get away with spending as little as slightly over 100 $ - PER YEAR!

M'yeap! ... How come? M'well, that's another story, if you're willing to read it.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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I can see why you're pissed with Sasquatch DC nonsense. Sorry to see that from your province. It's totally opposite of what my own experiences have been here in Edmonton. I picked up a gram of Day Dream (GG#4) from a shop recently that sells a new local micro grower's weed (Palm Gardens).

Day Dream (GG#4) - Palm Garden.jpg
Sorry to see that from your province.

The torture continues non-stop as cannabis users won't be allowed to forget where they are.

Just recently Québec's official TV happened to broadcast some cannabis-related interview during "Y'a du monde à messe" (Season 5 Episode 22). It was featured with a man called José Dominguez, introduced as a "sommelier", e.g. a wine waiter/steward (and tester...)
except this one's more like a guru - although more attracted by combustion smokes & water pipes than vaporization...

I keep thinking Québec's SQdC is NOT offering "gummies" (they avoided mentioning it wasn't for our retarded 21-yr old market); true wine experts spit back each sip, don't they?? Of course no similar job never existed for cannabis before "légaleezation" anyway.

So the more i listened the less i felt motivated to hear more; for example when the guy confessed his "dependancy" and got rewarded by his TV "elite" neighbour guest, granting the sommelier with approval over his self-honesty (e.g. about addictions)... In other words normal/non-sick lifestyles are dishonest even when equally assumed. Moralist without raising suspicion.

Then Google told me more than meets the eye, starting with numerous company names popping up as from a magician's hat: one has to wonder when it shall stop pourin out! ... M'well, i must be guilty of exageration J.D. made business outside Canada too, namely with Conover/SugarLeaf Labs in USA, etc. So at least it seems to mee this is a person strongly motivated to become part of the Big Cannabis industry trying to emerge.

His job is to represent users, he said:

Y'a du monde à messe S5-Ep22​
« Christian Bégin en entrevue avec José Dominguez »​

The supplice goes on, reference to "sin" is eventually made and then resignation is expressed in support of decades-slow "legal" progress, claiming to seed a tree that himself won't have the benefit to sit under...


If at least we had been shown trichome glands, calixes & pistils, flowers!! Between 2 beer ads...

Feel welcome to move to Québec anytime, leaving all "medical" privilege cards behind...

But that's illustrating the point i wanted to be made: SQdC is a monopoly substitution "dealer" that makes its clients feel worse than ever when they finally open a package, knowing part of the founding mandate was to never pass the threshold of a risk of apearance of even getting close to valorising its products. As a matter of fact SQdC's purpose is served just the same when people leave it without spending a cent - and now i got a much better defined idea who's behind while they keep calling their clients some savvy "scientific" names, like "dissociated", "depersonalized" psychotics and/or schizophrenics; even ready to suggest total abstainance, if not plain "therapeutic" treatment in scientology-driven "re-hab" and what not.

Lucky me i don't live in a country where the Bial "BIA 10-2474" molecule (tested on humans by Biotrial) was expected to block THC effects much like some anti "stoner$"/"droÿé$" vaccine, so far...

Feel welcome to move to Québec anytime, leaving all "medical" privilege cards behind...

But that's illustrating the point i wanted to be made: SQdC is a monopoly substitution "dealer" that makes its clients feel worse than ever when they finally open a package, knowing part of the founding mandate was to never pass the threshold of a risk of apearance of even getting close to valorising its products. As a matter of fact SQdC's purpose is served just the same when people leave it without spending a cent - and now i got a much better defined idea who's behind while they keep calling their clients some savvy "scientific" names, like "dissociated", "depersonalized" psychotics and/or schizophrenics; even ready to suggest total abstainance, if not plain "therapeutic" treatment in scientology-driven "re-hab" and what not.

Lucky me i don't live in a country where the Bial "BIA 10-2474" molecule (tested on humans by Biotrial) was expected to block THC effects much like some anti "stoner$"/"droÿé$" vaccine, so far...

who would move to Quebec?