Cannarado genetics

The rare pack I was referring to (the strain that not a lot were made) was Clearwater's brainstew(tk x runtz) and I bought a pack...I did always find odd the he kept listing them even though CW himself said there was only a limited number made. Fahk hope I don't have mids I'm my brainstew pack lol... nah I think there good, you just got me thinking though . I've ran a decent amount of clearwater from gli and they were all good & fire...
Im popping those V6 immediately bc Rado sent me a 3pk of V6 fems as my freebs, so I know exactly how those plants smell and the Grape gasoline structure. They were gas af from the early days of veg. I do recommend them.
Im popping those V6 immediately bc Rado sent me a 3pk of V6 fems as my freebs, so I know exactly how those plants smell and the Grape gasoline structure. They were gas af from the early days of veg. I do recommend them.
These 13 I'm running almost half you can smell either gas or
Compound did a trash job of packing those grape gas seeds...I picked a bunch of em, got lucky and scored the s1
Glo had the grape gas S1 & white runtz. i was thinking of grabbing them they were gone quick, i probably should wait until December for the next drop let me know how the v6 turn out.
That sucks everyone is having such problems with GLO. I’ve only bought a few packs from them but each successive order took longer to ship. There are so many legit seedbanks out there that I’d rather pay a little more to support the good ones. Take pack banditz for instance. He got totally slammed with that Wolfpack drop last week. The drop happened on a Friday night and I still got my beans in less than a week. Dude always ships super fast and never bullshits you. Fire freebies too. I got a full retail pack of regs as freebies for that order, plus the breeder included fem freebies. Pack banditz doesn’t have quite as big a selection of like lit or clearwater gear as GLO, but his selection is totally decent.
The only Rado pack I’ve ever had perform poorly for me was the watercolor frosting. That was a second hand pack so I didn’t hit up PNW about it, but if it ever happens with a pack I buy directly from Radogear I’ll reach out for sure. He’s always super cool.
Anyway here’s that super frosty numnum that I didn’t clone. I might need some advice on revegging this one because my last reveg attempt appears to have failed. I still think the two phenos that I cloned will be just as good as this one but I want to keep this one around until I’m sure. View attachment 5024253
I just had my first successful reveg and i attribute it to an early start. I found the keeper pheno with probably another 2 weeks of flower to go but i chopped her anyway. I've heard the longer you let them go the longer/harder it is to reveg. The only problem is you don't get a proper smoke test because the bud is a little premature.
Man the market is about to be absolutely flooded with cheetah piss fems here in the coming months. I just popped 3 ICC x cheetah piss freebies and I’ve got 10 cheetah piss x bacio fems from that wolfpack drop. The latter of those two is a bacio reversal but the freebies I popped are a cheetah piss reversal. I plan to get a nice selection of both wolfpack and Rado cheetah piss fems. Rado’s will be probably be a little more interesting since all the wolfpack ones are made with hype cuts.