Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

I know when I defend my home I usually drive across the state line and walk around a city I don't live in like a hero with a loaded weapon that I illegally purchased while getting yelled at by the people whose neighborhood I am in the entire time.

I don’t think anyone disputes the fact that he shouldn’t have been there at that age. The issue is if it was self defense and I have been watching the trial and everything in my mind if I was on the jury so far would point to yes. I think people get too caught up in the political issues of that night and sides. In fact we have more evidence than the jury because we know things that they don’t like the first guy just got out of a psych ward, was in prison for 10 years for raping little boys, and had a violent history. The other two were also convicted felons and the guy that pulled a gun on Kyle just like Kyle was not legally able to own one
so it was no different. Also the skater guy too had a violent history of beating his girlfriends and arrests.
I tried to put myself on both sides even switching the reason why they were there and there was no doubt in my mind it’s self defense. I think there are other things they can get him on but not the shootings. That’s just my opinion at trying to look at it without bias or emotions. If I am incorrect in anything I said please point it out. Try to imagine that the people were involved were there for the opposite reason and see if you can with an unbiased mind fairly say innocent or guilty on the list of charges. Regardless of why he was there I can’t imagine him or anyone else in that position not defending themselves under the exact same circumstances. The face is nobody should of been there past curfew and Rittenhouse wasn’t the only one armed that night illegally. Just my $.02
I have no emotional involvement in this other than what the fuck!!! How can it be self defence when he put him self in that situation. Yes I get it, it looks like he was being chased and ran like a little bitch but he put himself there, to bad there is not a 15 year sentence for being a dumb fuck.
He fled the state after he killed three people, one of whom he shot in the back. This is a fact. He killed a man in Wisconsin and was arrested in Illinois after he had been put on a list of fugitives of justice.

What is not certain is why would an innocent person do that? The police were right there. He walked right past them just minutes after his last victim was shot. He even said something to them. All he needed to do was tell them what happened and let them do their jobs. Maybe he wouldn't be on trial if he had done that, maybe he would . At least he wouldn't have been extradited and dragged to justices as a fugitive. That makes him look guilty, don't you agree?
Again, you and your buddies have said multiple times that this kid "traveled to another state to play army" or some other version of that phrase. So if he traveled to a different state than his own, and returned to his home in said other state. going back home is "fleeing" now? He approached the cops with hands up and told them he shot someone, they were probably more concerned with the city on fire and the sounds of gunshots from those "activists" all around them. Where are those darn "pigs that deserve to be dead" when you need em eh?
Again, you and your buddies have said multiple times that this kid "traveled to another state to play army" or some other version of that phrase. So if he traveled to a different state than his own, and returned to his home in said other state. going back home is "fleeing" now? He approached the cops with hands up and told them he shot someone, they were probably more concerned with the city on fire and the sounds of gunshots from those "activists" all around them. Where are those darn "pigs that deserve to be dead" when you need em eh?
i have some news about where the gunfire youre mad about came from
I have no emotional involvement in this other than what the fuck!!! How can it be self defence when he put him self in that situation. Yes I get it, it looks like he was being chased and ran like a little bitch but he put himself there, to bad there is not a 15 year sentence for being a dumb fuck.

They all put themselves there including the guys he shot