Growing, CA. November early Dec.


Active Member
I havent started growing yet, but i got the seeds and im gonna soak them inwater over night, thats what the pros say. im like a ultra newb at growin this is the 1st time haha, anyhow i got EarthGro, and Vigoro (mineral sticks which on the discription says for trees and shrubs)<----dunno if i should use... and im not so sure if i should use earthgro as the soil, what soil and mineral products should i use??!?!?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I would not use unless its for tomatoes! Get some Vigaro tomatoe fertilizer if thats all you can afford. I like Fox Farms nutes Grow Big is pretty cheap and good for veg! I use their Open Sesame, Beastie Bud and Cha Ching for flower. Fox Farms Ocean Forest is great soil but its not cheap. Water is very important too. If you use tap water add Pond Water Clarifier to remove the bad stuff. I soak my beans in distilled water until I see them crack, it can take 48 hrs. Dont fertilize till 3 weeks after they sprout and only go 1/4 strenght on the nutes for the first two weeks, then go 1/2 strenght and add sweet or sugar daddy plus calmag or floracal to help prevent deficencys. Dont overwater. Its better to let the soil dry before rewatering. Its a weed after all! After you water pick up the pots and feel how heavy they are. Thats how you know when to water. By the weigh of the pots! When they feel light and the plants look good its time to water again. Hope that helps! Good Luck!


Active Member
Thanks Bubba, yeah i have them soaking rite now, i'm going to take pictures from soaking stage-sprouting stage-veg stage-flower stage. weekly. i got like 30 seeds so, im just going to use 4 right now, they are White Widow i Presume.

I would not use unless its for tomatoes! Get some Vigaro tomatoe fertilizer if thats all you can afford. I like Fox Farms nutes Grow Big is pretty cheap and good for veg! I use their Open Sesame, Beastie Bud and Cha Ching for flower. Fox Farms Ocean Forest is great soil but its not cheap. Water is very important too. If you use tap water add Pond Water Clarifier to remove the bad stuff. I soak my beans in distilled water until I see them crack, it can take 48 hrs. Dont fertilize till 3 weeks after they sprout and only go 1/4 strenght on the nutes for the first two weeks, then go 1/2 strenght and add sweet or sugar daddy plus calmag or floracal to help prevent deficencys. Dont overwater. Its better to let the soil dry before rewatering. Its a weed after all! After you water pick up the pots and feel how heavy they are. Thats how you know when to water. By the weigh of the pots! When they feel light and the plants look good its time to water again. Hope that helps! Good Luck!


Active Member
okay so, i decided to go all organic, im only using manure to plant my seeds in, so far all the roots have cameo uto f the seeds, they are still wrapped up in a damp paper towel in the sunlight, thought that might quickin its growing stage, im going to plant them tomorrow at 7am, i'll give you guys a weekly update w/ picture... please do give me any advice on organic grow, im short on money though. ^_^


Active Member
carefull planting outdoors right now since there is less hours of light and that's how they flower. they will flower too early, and its winter so it might be too cold for them. you could just expiriment on those four seeds you germinated, but i'd wait on the other 26 to germinate when its spring time(only few months away) that is if you are growing outdoors but i dont know if u are or not.


Active Member
well it never gets below 75 degrees in so cal where i live, so my plants should be good, so they will bud earlier you sday, so i can smokey smokey quicker?!?! =)


Active Member
well living in beautiful cali myself i know it usually stays pretty warm during the winter. budding earlier is not necessarily a good thing because the plant needs time to strengthen and mature and u will get better yield. so if u can, grow them indoors on a 18 hours light, 6 hours darkness. maybe for 2-2.5 months then they should be ready to flower on a 12/12 light period.:weed: is all about PATIENCE my friend. especially when u get to the harvesting/curing process ;)


Active Member
haha, only problem with that is, my father a ex stoner and ex grower + a total hypocrite might find it in the house, and i being the unlucky poor bastard that i am will have to resort to growing in a dog house outside lol!! so im looking at 3-3.5 months right?


Active Member
ya. but since u said that u only germinated 4 of them, u could save some for spring and just let those other 4 grow and see wat happens.


Active Member
thats wut im playing on doing, hopefully, if this grow doesnt work out my next grow will which i'll start in january, so its ready for 4/20