Nutrients for soil grows

Advanced Nutrients Conneiseur at 50-75% recommended dose. Adding B52, CarboLoad, Roots Accelerator (H&G) and Big Bud. Only using these at half to 75% of what they recommend and loving the results. Curious what other Advanced users are doing..
Will try to get a pic up later - only in week 3 here..
Now all I use is banana peels and soak them in water for few weeks before I put them in to flower then I fill up a big container with all the liquid and add just a little kelp fertiliser works magic and cheap as chips
Now all I use is banana peels and soak them in water for few weeks before I put them in to flower then I fill up a big container with all the liquid and add just a little kelp fertiliser works magic and cheap as chips


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I'm growing under a hps 600w just with a fan in soil in my garage which has alot of co2 in it from out side so they do pritty good in there at night when lights are off I leave tent open for them and yeah seems to work I just been using a little kelp and banana peel tea it seems to be working good I got some decomposing fish and guts in a bucket that I'm leaving for next round going to mix into a big bucket and put soil threw it for vegging plants but yeah Im just trying new things and want some ideas of things to do other then that I have only twenty plants so I can experiment a little with different methods
I'm growing under a hps 600w just with a fan in soil in my garage which has alot of co2 in it from out side so they do pritty good in there at night when lights are off I leave tent open for them and yeah seems to work I just been using a little kelp and banana peel tea it seems to be working good I got some decomposing fish and guts in a bucket that I'm leaving for next round going to mix into a big bucket and put soil threw it for vegging plants but yeah Im just trying new things and want some ideas of things to do other then that I have only twenty plants so I can experiment a little with different methods
I'd get a good all purpose dry fert and a bloom one. Whatever's local. Dr. Earth or similar is fine. Build a Soil's Craft Blend is good too.
And this is my second indoor grow
I'd get a good all purpose dry fert and a bloom one. Whatever's local. Dr. Earth or similar is fine. Build a Soil's Craft Blend is good too.
Yeah because those liquid ones get expensive once you have alot of plants and I've figger Ed out now how to edit was were the report was just doesn't come natural to go near that button hahaha
5gal ffof/ffhf/ffsf mix with perlite, Jobe's 3-3-3 halfway up the pot as I mix....I like to hit it with the neem , either cold pressed or the dry stuff...preventative.......Only other things i use are top dress ffof (or jobes) Cal-mag ( a must under my light..neptunes seaweed(kelp), The second I kept it simple...was the second my plants started to make big gains, I barely water first 2 weeks...then scale up the h20 from there...week ~6 I start throwing on some top dress if needed. jobe2.jpg

Jobe's 3-3-3 is 10$ at agway. excellent stuff, can be watered in... powdered form, no spikes


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The hairs just changed colour is that just a maturity thing


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I will never understand the math on using nutes... If I am to add for every gallon of water, I feel that I would kill my plants... As a matter of fact, I followed the directions for feedings and totally fried and stunted my first grow!!! I've tried doing it my own way but that usually results in it not being enough or it being too much... Everyone else ceems to grow great plants following these steps, but it just doesn't work out well for me...
Okay, now that I got that off my chest, let me cee how bad I can fuck this next run up!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: Peace ya'll!!!