Exotics, PGRS, Foilars, "snake oil"

I'm not an expert, but eating and smoking are different things... I didn't read the complete post so maybe someone mentioned it before, and you should probably know this already.. But food and smoke should never be considered the same thing when it comes to consumption.
When you burn a food chemical it becomes a different chemical that was not meant to be, and goes directly into lungs where it's not meant to go. And then it quickly goes to the bloodstream, heart and brain.. The company that made the chemicals for grape and kiwi consider it safe for eating, but they don't mention smoking.. Alcohol is considered safe for consumption when you drink it, but try burning it and inhaling the fumes directly to your lungs and brain, or try putting alcohol in the eyes.. And also sugar is safe for consumption, but if you would smoke sugar fumes you would probably have caramelized lungs or something.. Eating fruit with toxic chemicals may take years to cause an illness, but smoking toxic chemicals can be dangerous immediately.. Chemicals on fruit was tested for years by professionals, experts, scientists, doctors, biologists, chemists etc. they used lab-animals and other experiments.. They created a standard for maximum allowed toxicity so it's considered safe to consume..
But how are you gonna test it all by yourself? Are you just going to sell toxic weed to customers and wait to see if they get ill? Or will you smoke it yourself for years until something happens to you? This is not about ethics either, just a serious question..

I smoked many different toxic weeds bought from the streets because it's illegal where i live and i was unfamiliar with these chemicals. The weed always looked and smelled good, and only after smoking i realized it was contaminated.. I got many health issues from it, especially the lungs and the eye, but also gums and teeth.. I still remember one day i got some really pungent smelling weed that looked incredibly frosty, it looked like the best weed in the world, but it was grown with some chemicals and i almost went blind on one eye for a month.. I still have issues in this eye from it.. Really not worth it for few extra dollars
Bubble popper here, alot of this stuff we sprayed on tobacco we use on food. If you looked at the analysis of things that change in combustion I would be surprised to find tobacco and weed are any less toxic than the other. If tobacco is more toxic it probably is related to full flavor tobacco (reds) and cigars as both have a higher level of potash (orangey leaf and brown mature leaf) than lights. Extremely light cigar wrappers being the exception but you probably aren't getting those at your local gas station. Ag exp aside, if you aren't vaporizing or doing edibles you must wanna drag around an oxygen tank
You aren't nearly as clever as you seem to think you are. My objection was to the general notion of leaving ethics out of conversations involving consumable crops, not PGR specifically. Additionally, pointing to agribusiness putting potentially dangerous shit in our food as justification for you doing the same is the dumbest fucking argument I've heard in long while.
We got it you're liberal, you prob don't own shit, you want to talk ethics and shut down all ag so you can live in Jersey and hear your neighbors shit and fuck and starve to death. I gotcha. Once again I asked for experiences. At least the guy going blind sorta did offer something by that way. Your turn.
Bigger issue was I started the thread to ask about what people have had success with, their experiences. Even I acknowledge some of this stuff is probably too dangerous. But once again like every one of these threads I read prior to posting this one, offering my experiences to see if anyone had done similarly, I got this. This goddamn hippie I smokie organic dope crowd. I got ha. Some kid smoked some plastic dipped weed and almost went blind. Y'all can grow some killer weed without chemicals. Cool cool. This thread aint for you. I'm not trying to cram nuclear weed down your throat. I'm asking, did a person ever try xyz, what happened. For example humic acid in res or soil and fluvic acid as a foilar. That's not a Pgr. What? Oh no cancer!!?
For what its worth, Kelp4less has an outstanding product called extreme blend I highly recommend.
Blend of Soluble Kelp, Humic, Fulvic, and aminos in powder form.
Its a candidate for organic certification but not registered to keep costs down.
Foliar week 4+ of bloom.
Wouldn't grow without it.
Can even shoot it on your lawn and see the difference in a week or 2.
I can only imagine it will do the same for edible crops.
For what its worth, Kelp4less has an outstanding product called extreme blend I highly recommend.
Blend of Soluble Kelp, Humic, Fulvic, and aminos in powder form.
Its a candidate for organic certification but not registered to keep costs down.
Foliar week 4+ of bloom.
Wouldn't grow without it.
Can even shoot it on your lawn and see the difference in a week or 2.
I can only imagine it will do the same for edible crops.
I'll check it out. I've been using a commercial product that's 22% Leonard it's based with 3% potash. I read fluvic and humic are same thing except fluvic is smaller molecules and lighter colored and goes through cell membranes better. I've been using humic over the top for years and am excited to see what a fluvic over the top will do.
Let me see if I understand your reasoning via an analogy. Skydiving is for many, an inherently dangerous but immensely enjoyable and cathartic experience. Given the fact that a danger exists in choosing to participate, does that then justify the manufacturer building defects or additional hazards into the gear people use to go skydiving? Cause, you know, fuck em', shouldn't have been skydiving if they didn't want a defective chute... Sound about right?

Erm not really.

I use one organic PGR triacantonol.

ill bet the Organics you use contain more than just one naturally occurring PGR!

my argument is most people who shout about their meds and organically grown for cleaner better product etc don’t even realise that combustion is what creates the greatest risk, and the Alfalfa meal, Coconut water, Kelp and seaweed products they are using, contain naturally occurring PGR’s.

just like the 1 single naturally occurring PGR that I’ve been using during Veg that’s derived from beeswax.
We got it you're liberal, you prob don't own shit, you want to talk ethics and shut down all ag so you can live in Jersey and hear your neighbors shit and fuck and starve to death. I gotcha. Once again I asked for experiences. At least the guy going blind sorta did offer something by that way. Your turn.
Politics of using chemicals
I'm liberal and own two houses paying school taxes on both so your brat gets an education other than dad says
Can I be allowed a say?

Asking for over half the nation !
PGR's can occur in nature, organically.

I get not wanting to spray an unhealthy chemical on your plant, especially if known to be toxic. 100% agree.

But an interesting topic nonetheless.
Why would you assume I didn't know that? Why would you assume I have an 'organic' bias?
Politics of using chemicals
I'm liberal and own two houses paying school taxes on both so your brat gets an education other than dad says
Can I be allowed a say?

Asking for over half the nation !
He started it. but while we're on the subject I reassure you I'm in control of a lot of land I pay a lot of taxes. As a middle class person I pity you, your politicians are robbing you with devaluation of your capital. I keep very little liquid so for me it's more of a storage and depreciation thing. With loads of debt Democrats are doing me a favor, inflation has outpaced my interest! Yay! But yes liberals and their desire to "get ride of factory farming" and regulate into oblivion, I mean really; how did people with so little general knowledge arrive at their high stations. I would recommend Five Rings by Musashi Miyamoto, not for war, but for governance. It is a little dry, but without knowledge of others one can not govern.

I digress, yes, liberals love to "ban things" with no replacement. Example: Natural Gas. Lmao, how re re do you have to be to know we cant "BAN" gas. Maybe they should pony up on an ass of nuclear and we can have that discussion. And don't forget everyone wants electric cars. has anyone talked about logistics much less, production? No? That is how a liberal thinks. No moderates whatsoever. And where does that lead? The orange man. Facism? maybe. So yes, if you are "liberal" you probably made Donald Trump exist (in his present form). Why? Because radicalism begets radicalism. Endless cycle. Human Nature. Boring stuff.

So back to growing reefer, Mr. Herb, do you use any products Natural or otherwise that have PGR value? Any "snake oils" or other non-NPK fertility amendments that you think affect production? Looking for Pros and Cons, good and Bad experiences. Any Amino acids? Interested in all experiences.
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Why would you assume I didn't know that? Why would you assume I have an 'organic' bias?
Replying to a PGR thread "Threads like this are what keep me growing my own"

That lead me to assume you are against any PGR was my thought process, if you want to know. Assuming you didn't add any valuable information or reply to the topic at hand, just a generic reply that came off condescending is what led me to my assumption.

Just here to learn, spread the knowledge I have, and kill some time. Not here to argue on the internet about assumptions of what you know or dont know.

Have a good day.
Replying to a PGR thread "Threads like this are what keep me growing my own"

That lead me to assume you are against any PGR was my thought process, if you want to know. Assuming you didn't add any valuable information or reply to the topic at hand, just a generic reply that came off condescending is what led me to my assumption.

Just here to learn, spread the knowledge I have, and kill some time. Not here to argue on the internet about assumptions of what you know or dont know.

Have a good day.

It’s like I said (not directed to @curious2garden ) a lot of growers use organic PGR’s without even knowing what they are or what is contained in their bottle of seaweed extract lol. Auxins, Cytokinin, Gibberellin to name a few found in seaweed extract.
Replying to a PGR thread "Threads like this are what keep me growing my own"

That lead me to assume you are against any PGR was my thought process, if you want to know. Assuming you didn't add any valuable information or reply to the topic at hand, just a generic reply that came off condescending is what led me to my assumption.

Just here to learn, spread the knowledge I have, and kill some time. Not here to argue on the internet about assumptions of what you know or dont know.

Have a good day.
Is there anything important left to be added to this subject?

I think at this point we are waiting on university science, actual studies not supported by firms with bias. We are also waiting on combustion and vaping studies from the same university sources and their affiliated medical research programs. The tobacco studies are currently our most relevant. The cannabis industry has a horrid history of generalizing GRAS for oral administration with products of combustion and vaporization. You can not generalize between modes of administration.

Current US state run dispensary programs don't necessarily insure what you or I may consider a safe product. There are many ways around the product labelling and safety testing and the FDA can't touch any of this because of the schedule 1 status of cannabis.

I have to abbreviate this because it's time for me to run (literally). But sometimes I'm too curt here because most folks know who I am and understand my history. I apologize for my curtness but I was sincerely interested on the source of your assumptions. Your reply was illuminating, thank you.

It’s like I said (not directed to @curious2garden ) a lot of growers use organic PGR’s without even knowing what they are or what is contained in their bottle of seaweed extract lol. Auxins, Cytokinin, Gibberellin to name a few found in seaweed extract.
I agree with you! I use gibberellins, etc.. I also reverse with STS (the reversed plants are destroyed without use). At this point we all have to decide on our level of comfort with exposure. But without completely transparent labelling laws etc... I'm afraid I only trust my product.