I screwed up, help?


Active Member
So, this is my biggest screw up yet and I’m not sure if I can save this or not. My screw up probably occurred during the mixing of my soil. I tried making another super soil. My first one worked fantastic. This time, I must have missed something or I made it too strong. I’m not sure. I know that I screwed up with my soil acidity. It sitting at a ph of about 7, maybe a bit lower. I normally try to get it to 6.5.
Anyways here are some pictures, I don’t know what to do, I’ve tried giving the plants ph adjusted water adding cal/mag. It doesn’t seem to be helping. As you can see the tips are dry and curled, I thought nut burn and cal/ mag deficiency, I’m also sure this is probably a ph issue.


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It is possible to gently wash most of the potting mix off the roots in one or more buckets of water, then replant. The plants typically go into shock for at least a couple weeks.
I don’t remember the exact ratio but it’s a mix of worm casting, fish manure, cow manure, green sand, peat moss, perlite, a small amount of bat guano, minerals and top soil.
And yes there’s definitely signs of low cal/mag but I don’t think it’s because it’s lacking, I think it’s because of lock out, because hot soil and ph.
How aged was the cow poop? If your top dressing with good compost/ewc ph should be fine.Unless the soil/dirt you added was toxic.If you have some food you can try and add look for improvement.Plants dont look good,experiment and see its how we learn.
Yeah, I mixed my soil and let it sit for a couple months. I’ve fed with liquid fish fertilizer and no improvements. No EWC though. The soils shouldn’t be toxic. All freshly purchased from the garden store. I think I’m going to try and replant in a different soil and hope for the best. If Anyone has other suggestions. Please I’m all ears, I’d hate to completely lose this crop.
I was thinking burn myself with those tips peeling back like that....and have you top fed or anything besides your soil mix...sorry if u said and I'm blind lol
Yeah, I mixed my soil and let it sit for a couple months. I’ve fed with liquid fish fertilizer and no improvements. No EWC though. The soils shouldn’t be toxic. All freshly purchased from the garden store. I think I’m going to try and replant in a different soil and hope for the best. If Anyone has other suggestions. Please I’m all ears, I’d hate to completely lose this crop.
Hmm,fish food should have helped.Do a ph slurry test and see,should be good though unless your water is off?