People Are Saying...

you're probably idea of justice in this case (or any case with a trump or a trumptard as defendant) is a quick trial, then a walk to the back of the courthouse and a quick, economical execution...
Quick and economical, you say? Pneumatic air gun is the answer!
People are saying that antifa didn't incite the violent coup attempt but they are wrong.

This is proofish.

Look at the lady in front... in the Team Trump hat.
View attachment 5022135

Here is another picture of her...

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Here is another one... look at the guy in the middle.

View attachment 5022138

Look familiar?

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View attachment 5022140
they need to let us put multiple smileys in a rating, that one required a laugh, a cry, and a wow.....
People are saying that "a lot of 'mama bears' are going to stop 5 year olds from getting vaccinated".

I am standing in line to get some scripts right now and start chatting with the woman in front of me. We discuss the large line. I point out that a lot of people are getting vaccinated. She says well now that the vaccines are approved for 5 year Olds it's going to be worse because Newsmax says a lot of mama bears aren't going to let that happen.

So I am wearing a mask but she can't help notice I have started laughing. What, she asks? I said I'm sorry, I couldn’t help it. Why, she asks? I tell her "I've watched plenty of Newsmax but it's still funny to me that anyone believes them."

Conversation over.
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We're going to lose this thing we call democracy. Very, very soon.
republicans are using trump's talking points, just rebranded and altered just enough to not freak out the suburban voters...democrats need to be calling them out EVERY TIME they do this shit...or they'll lose the suburbs, and then we will lose what democracy we have left. i don't like inflating the supreme court, but with the fuckhead assholes trump crammed through, we need to put at least two more liberal justices on the bench so kavanaugh., goresuch, and barrett can't run roughshod over the constitution, and then wipe their asses with it...if democracy dies, the democratic party's myopia will be just as much to blame as republican lies and thievery
republicans are using trump's talking points, just rebranded and altered just enough to not freak out the suburban voters...democrats need to be calling them out EVERY TIME they do this shit...or they'll lose the suburbs, and then we will lose what democracy we have left. i don't like inflating the supreme court, but with the fuckhead assholes trump crammed through, we need to put at least two more liberal justices on the bench so kavanaugh., goresuch, and barrett can't run roughshod over the constitution, and then wipe their asses with it...if democracy dies, the democratic party's myopia will be just as much to blame as republican lies and thievery
I agree we need to move away from tolerating this shit. I call it out almost 100% of the time. It does not make you popular. Most people don't want to think about it much as they have a hard time seeing the threat.

I don't agree that the Democratic party carries as much of the blame that you seem to. I do agree that the complacency of the base needs to end. This is an existential threat.

I still say that we've seen this before and that it will likely get MUCH worse before it gets better.
yeah, i know how you feel, my mom was a manipulative bitch who almost destroyed our family, and my sisters are still upset with me for not cutting her off completely...but she's my mom...
I went for a few years just passing and repassing with Mamma. I was working the farm with Daddy at the time, so lots of mornings I would wait on the porch for him to come out. The crazy thing is everyone loved her. To outsiders they didn't have a clue to what she was really like.

Years after all that she forced me and Sister to give 10 acres of land to some cousins just to prove she could. And since she owned half interest in the farm, she could. That more than anything else left a mark on me. I still can't stand the sight of those cousins. They took the land knowing it was the result of extortion.

Toward the end of her life she had had a couple three stokes and I was having to get her breakfast and lunch, and Sister took care of supper. When she died it was a relief to the family, and a tragedy to everyone else.
Theyll get enough people in in 2022 to steal it if they lose in 2024 and then theyll say were not allowed to say they stole it, our own rules and all
then maybe we should hold our own insurrection, except we'll come a lot harder and fucking cameras, just extra zip ties, just ropes to throw over branches....hey, their own rules and all