The dream is dead.

An obsolete and parochial viewpoint. It mirrors the libertarian delusion and aligns with the ideology of a deranged sasquatch.

Sasquatch is real. He is being kept at Area 51 in that underground highway Reagan built from Las Vegas to the White House. What the hell else was it meant for??? It was to set rights of our freedom. It was in no way meant to benefit the government or they would of made it where they can censor free speech and search us without cause
I feel the same about America.

Most countries have done things in the past that weren’t the best things. At the time it may have seemed right but we just try to better ourselves. Also so many times we focus on just the negatives of a person, place, or time and overlook everything else that was going on.
Sasquatch is real. He is being kept at Area 51 in that underground highway Reagan built from Las Vegas to the White House. What the hell else was it meant for??? It was to set rights of our freedom. It was in no way meant to benefit the government or they would of made it where they can censor free speech and search us without cause
It was written before rail, steam and electricity. Now we have instant global reach due to communication technology none of the founders imagined. You do not factor this into your viewpoint, which as a result is parochial and obsolete.

I find it interesting that you want to go back to when the Constitution afforded none of the rights it afforded heterosexual Protestant white males, notably land owners. This suggests that you want to go back to when women and brown people were oppressed, and being gay was a felony. Some states still have sodomy laws on the books.
What is the main purpose of the Constitution of the United States?

What is the main purpose of the US Constitution? The main purpose of the Constitution is to provide a framework for government.
It was written before rail, steam and electricity. Now we have instant global reach due to communication technology none of the founders imagined. You do not factor this into your viewpoint, which as a result is parochial and obsolete.
I find it interesting that you want to go back to when the Constitution afforded none of the rights it afforded heterosexual Protestant white males, notably land owners. This suggests that you want to go back to when women and brown people were oppressed, and being gay was a felony. Some states still have sodomy laws on the books.

I do factor all those things into my equation. That’s why I argue that the 2nd amendment protects modern firearms just as the first amendment and 4th amendment protect laptops, cars, and phones. I’m not sure what you are referring to about wanting to oppress or deny people rights though? I’m for protection from the government for legal citizens
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Some states still have sodomy laws on the books.

When is last time somebody has been arrested for buttfucking? Why did that even come up LOL.
I do factor all those things into my equation. That’s why I argue that the 2nd amendment protects modern firearms just as the first amendment and 4th amendment protect laptops, cars, and phones. I’m not sure what you are referring to about wanting to oppress or deny people rights though? I’m for protection from the government against legal citizens
I am describing the pre-Civil War Constitution which did not afford equal rights to all. That is what you are advocating.

Communications technology among other things has fundamentally changed the interactions between government and citizens. “Small government” is no longer practicable, and the term correlates tightly with inegalitarian politics. It is important that the Constitution be kept up to date using the amendment process.

For one thing, states’ rights was a good idea up until about 180 years ago, but now it is a cover for things like voter suppression laws.

Would you be in favor of abolishing the controlled substances act and schedule?
You got me on that one thanks for the heads up LOL. No I don’t think anything should be changed. I mean it’s to protect the people from the government.
Jan 6

Your leader tried to do away with the US Constitution. So much for you wanting to "protect" people from the government.

What you want is an entitled white class just like you had in the early 60's. The majority in this country no longer want your kind of "protection", which is really just about white power. I don't even know what you think you need protection from. It's not as if extending the same rights and freedoms you have to everybody will hurt you.
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Just to get this back on track (without banning Bodega) my Australian dream, if I was Australian, would be not to get stung, bitten, or eat, by all of the deadly poisonous shit you folks have there before I bought the house :(.